Chapter 1

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Imperialdrmamon's roars echoed through Davis's ears as the battle raged on. The roar was not only a warning to Alphamon but a cry of grief for its fallen comrades Aquilamon and Ankylomon. Alphamon easily grabbed the draconic Digimon's throat throwing him toward their human partners. Without hesitation, Ken lept over tackling Davis to the ground so their Digimon wouldn't crash straight into them.

The mega Digimon crashed into the ground behind the pair. Davis pushed himself up on his hands after being staggered from the fall. "GET UP IMPERIALDRAMON!" No movement could be seen from the Digimon, they lay still.

Davis felt frozen in time, as the battle had been lost. Davis was snapped out of it when Ken grabbed his arm. "Davis we need to go!". Another roar boomed from Imperialdramon. Davis pulled himself up with Ken's help, and the pair ran from the battle knowing it was all they could do.

A strange purple hue engulfed Imperialdramon. Glitches spread through their data while trying to stand. They were fighting against the corruption attempting to take over its body. Draconic eyes had gone completely white losing control.

The cannon on Imperialdramon's back began charging up a yellow beam pointed straight at their human partners. The beam barely missed the two retreating humans. "IMPERIALDRAMON! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" Davis screamed turning back to look at his Digimon who was now glitching in and out of reality.

Ken reached for his D-3 knowing what he had to do. He spotted one of the TVs scattered about the digital world. "Davis run to the digiport!" Davis looked around seeing the TV as well. The pair ran as fast as they could as the two Digimon were attacking them.

Ken ran and slid on his knees at the TV holding his D-3 out in front of him. The screen of both electronics glows with a bright white light. Davis was not far behind approaching the portal. "Davis go through I'll close it behind you" Ken knew the risks of letting Alphamon get out to the real world. "but Ken then you-" He was interrupted when Ken grabbed both sides of his face and kissed him quickly. Davis had no time to react. "What-" Was all he could say before Ken pushed him through the portal.

Davis landed on his side on the soft light blue carpet. Adrenilien ran through his body making him get up as fast as possible. He ran to the computer to go back through the gate to get Ken but it was already closed. He reached his hand out to the monitor letting his fingers touch the screen. He froze when his hand made contact with the screen, it should have gone through...

Davis reached for his D-3 pointing it at the digiport. He waited and waited but the portal did not open. Was his D-3 broken? No, it couldn't be... The door creaked open as Ken's mother came inside. She froze in her place not taking another step when she saw Davis in the dark room.

"What are you doing here?? Where's Ken? Where's my baby boy??!!" Davis was bombarded with questions as tears filled his eyes. "You promised us our boy would be safe with you! Where is he?!" Davis could not respond to his parents, as the guilt was eating him up inside. "I'm sorry" was all he could muster as the tears fell down his cheeks. He walked past Ken's mother into the living room. The TV was set on the local news reporting on Kuwagamon's attack on the airport. "Those awful big monsters have something to do with it, don't they?? Why would they show up when my baby goes missing!"

Davis ignored the words from Ken's parents as he left the apartment. It was already dark outside, the sun fully set on the horizon. Steady rain came down making the air feel cold. He slowly walked at first before picking up the pace and ran through the rain.

Approaching an apartment building Davis slowed to catch his breath. He walked up the stairs to the second floor of the building. Walking down the halls his eyes scanned the name plates searching for the name "Kamiya" Once he found what he was looking for he knocked on the door.Tai opened the door seeing a crying Davis in front of him. Davis looked up at Tai's face, tears streaming down his face "Ken's gone". Tai's face went from confusion to pure shock and worry as he pulled Davis into his apartment closing the apartment door behind him.

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