Chapter 4

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The bell rang marking the end of the school day. Davis grabbed his bag and almost ran out of the classroom before Kari stopped him "Hey, Davis hold up!". He stopped in his tracks and looked back at her "Kari I can't waste any more time."

She looked worried about her leader. "I know, but the team is meeting up under the bridge. You should join us, Izzy might have some information that could help you". He felt uneasy about waiting but decided to go with her. "You're right, I need to get a grasp of the situation."

Everyone was already there except for Joe. Izzy sat typing away at his computer as T.K. watched over his shoulder. Davis stood next to Kari while occasionally looking over at Izzy. He wanted to talk to him but waited.

His eyes kept shifting between Izzy and the pathway leading to under the bridge. When is Joe going to show up? Izzy called Davis over to him. "Davis, come on over here I want to test something."

Davis glanced at Kari for a moment seeing her nod in approval before making his way to Izzy. "Let me take a look at your D-3 if you don't mind". His D-3? It was broken though... He handed the blue digivice over to Izzy. "Now this is just a hunch, but you just came back from the digital world, correct?"

He nodded his head "Yeah, just last night.". Izzy plugged in a small cable to the D-3 connecting it to his computer. A digiport was shown on his screen, but nothing happened. The screen showed the same closed portal that appeared on Ken's computer. "Try to open the digiport" Izzy handed the D-3 back to Davis.

Turning his computer to face Davis he waited for the portal to open. Davis held the D-3 out toward the computer "Digiport OPEN!". Nothing... Not even a sound from either device, the portal remained closed. "Just what I thought, the D-3s are malfunctioning."

Davis spoke up in protest "That can't be right! Ken opened a portal into the digital world a few days ago. That's how we got there.". Izzy was intrigued by this new information. "Where exactly in the digital world did that portal open to?"

He dug through his memory thinking where they ended up. Crashing waves of grey water surrounded by a dark sky. It clicked in his brain, the dark ocean. "The portal took us to the dark ocean...".

Izzy seemed intrigued. "You said Ken opened the portal right? Using his D-3?". Davis nodded "That's right.". "Ken's D-3 is different from the rest of yours. He got his from the dark ocean, giving him extra control with it as well. Remember how it stopped our digimon from digivolving?" Davis nodded and continued to listen to Izzy. "Well, it can also open a portal to the dark ocean. The dark ocean is part of the digital world. My theory is since the gate to the digital world has been closed since last year Ken still had access to the dark ocean. Despite being part of the digital world it acts on its own terms."

Izzy handed Davis his D-3 back "This will require further testing, can you get ahold of Ken so I can look at his D-3?" Hearing Izzy's words made Davis freeze up. Kari looked over and saw Davis's expression shift to sadness. T.K. and Kari came over to the pair "Izzy, T.K. wants to speak to you!"

Kari grabbed Davis's arm and pulled him aside away from the others. "You alright? You're not acting like your usual self Davis.". His heart felt like it was being crushed. Under any other circumstance, he would be ecstatic to be alone with Kari, but it feels wrong now. His mind was focused on Ken.

"Davis helloooo?" Kari called out waving her hand in front of Davis's face. "I'm worried about them." Davis glanced down at his feet when he said that. "Davis, that's why you're here... You're not a failure, you're a good leader. You came here to gather information on the situation, and we're here to help you."

"Being reminded that he's gone just hurt... Izzy wanted me to contact Ken. I would do anything to call him and hear his voice on the other end again. If he was here I'd be spending every second with him that I could. I want to see him safe again.."

T.K.'s voice suddenly called out "DAVIS STOP BEING GAY". Kari rolled her eyes at T.K.'s remarks "Don't listen to him Davis, he's just jealous of his brother. You care about Ken a lot don't you?". Davis nodded in response.

Kari reassured him "I will help in whatever way I can. You should stay with the team for now. We will support you even if we can't directly do anything to help.". Davis still felt apprehensive about the entire thing but agreed "Thank you, Kari.". "Of course! Let's head back to the others. I'm sure Joe will be here soon."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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