Chapter 8: Nooooo! not the cursed Mahou Shoujo Genre!

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Y/n Pov

Y/n: " Aaaaaahhhh! Help!? " I scream running away while hugging a bear doll

Fav: " Aaaa! Help us Pooonnnnn! "

One human and one jumping ball is running away being chased by Frogs that have weird eyes

Kyubey: *Sip Tea* " Aaah~ what a nice scream in the morning... "

Kyubey was nicely sitting on a floating chair and there also a floating table

Y/n: " Eeeeekkkk! I don't want to be assaulted by Frogs! Nooooo! I don't want to end up like those Mahou Shoujo doujin! "

Fav: " This is your fault Poii!

Y/n: " Soooorrrryyyy! I didn't know Ashley can charm frogs! I was just trying to see if I can befriend the frogs! Not charm them! Waaahhhh! "

Few hour ago before being chased+ time skip


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I was just waking up as usual and having almost heard attack as usually with seeing Kyubey staring at me

Kyubey: " Good morning~ "

Y/n: " M-morning "

Kyubey: " Are you waking up already? Do you want to stay and cuddle some more before doing some quest~? "

Y/n: *embarrassed & Nervous*
" H-huh!? W-we-well i-if you're fine with it "

Kyubey: " Fufufu~ you're cute when you're so honest and blushing like that "

Kyubey the hug me and pulled closer to her chest feeling something soft

Kyubey the gently play with my hair while parting my back

Y/n: " Uuuuhhh "

Kyubey: " Ehehehe~ "

Few hours later~

Kyubey: " Alright that's enough sleep and laying down its not healthy, but I don't mind if you want to continue~ "

Y/n: " L-l-lets just go and do some quest! I'll be going to wash my face! "

Kyubey: Fufu~ you don't need to be so quick to answer I feel a bit sad huhuhu "

I try ignore it and quickly went to the bathroom

Y/n: ( T-that is bad and also good for my hwart! And isn't it you the one who said it's not healthy! Aaaaaaa! E-even I still want be hugged... ahaha... aaaah... man... I'm just so depressing and childish... )

I wash my face and brush my teeth and then head out and meet with Kyubey outside the Inn

Kyubey: " Alright then lets go and take the usual Frog skating quest before we take any adventure type quest, we must secure some money first before we head to treasure hunting quest "

Hitori Bocchi no mahou shoujo ( Konosuba x Male reader ) [Slow update]Where stories live. Discover now