


"Good Morning." A dazed voice calls out to the H/C haired lady, who was sitting on the Verenda. Yawning, the raven-haired prince sat down next to the Goddess.

The woman nods to her accomplice, acknowledging him as she proceeds to watch the wonderful scenery.

Both were close friends, one always watching out for the other.

"Diablo, How has it been with Lord Maleficent?" The Goddess asks the sleepy male.

"He's been faring well. Though, I haven't heard from him in a couple weeks." The man, who we now know is Diablo, replied.

"That's strange, he usually writes letters to me every week or so." States the tall female.

It is a known fact to every one residing in the kingdom of Poseidon that the fae was absolutely infatuated with their Goddess.

He wouldn't go a day without a word about her.

But now, it seems that he has unknowingly vanished... in thin air.
But what somebody doesn't know, won't hurt them... right?


Walking around the bustling streets of the capital, Diablo found something that caught his eye.

It was a rusty old mirror, yet the magical energy in it was strong...
Too strong. It was like, there was an entire different universe in that mirror...

Narrowing his eyes, he looks around to see if anybody realised.

Seeing that the coast is clear, he walks up to the street merchant... who was a bit scared by the appearance of a cloaked figure with the royal sword.

"Give me that." The person points to the mirror.

The merchant raised an eyebrow, "I can't just give it to ya for free, ya know!" He gestured to the shining gemstones on the mirror, "This costed a fortune!" He said.

"How much?" The man urged. The merchant was... spooked. "How much for... what?" He asked, warily.

"For the mirror." The man replied in a harsh tone.

"Uh... 10,000 madol!" The merchant announced hastily, hoping for the man to get away.

Diablo threw a couple thousand gold coins at the merchant, swiped the mirror and left.

Looking back at the mirror, he was shocked to find not his reflection, but another face staring right back at him.


Inspecting the mirror closely, the brunette sighed the raven.

"I apologise, Your Highness, but it is impossible for me to trace the mana back to any place in this world... Anytime I try, it immediately goes back to the mirror like there's a magnetic force behind it... sucking everything in." Taking a deep breath, Diablo sighed in discontent.

𝚁𝙴𝚃𝚄𝚁𝙽 𝚃𝙾 𝙼𝙴, 𝙲𝙰𝙻𝚈𝙿𝚂𝙾. [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now