


Waking up in the blank, suffocating darkness of a closed space which wasn't really a good place to nap, the Goddess was a bit baffled.

She just realized how absurd and dangerous it was to have students wake up in literal coffins.

There was limited oxygen, absolute darkness which may lead someone to think that they're still asleep, an enclosed space definitely not for ones with claustrophobia, and much more problems.

The magic didn't do much to help.

Desperately creating more and more oxygen for herself with her divine powers, she scoffed at this blatant disrespect.

This wasn't the mirrors doing though.

The Goddess sighed in distaste and decided to lay there until someone finds them. Or, until the headmage of the institution actually finds her.

Let's not forget the horrid sense of fashion of the headmage, who picked these... ugly, ugly robes for the opening ceremony.


"Goodness Gracious..." mumbled a certain mer-person, his eyes wandering over the crowd of newbies that were utterly oblivious and Naive.

His glasses had a glint which made the man seem even more suspicious, As it would with literally anyone else.

Sighing at the seemingly idiotic freshmen that stand before him, he internally grins at all the possible ways to manipulate them into labor... with legal contracts, of course...

"And I think this is the last one." Crowley hummed and opened the floating coffin with the key.

Gracefully landing on the ground, the H/C haired male looked straight at the headmage, nodded and walked to the back of the crowd of freshmen.

Many were flabbergasted at his gorgeous appearance, and one person in particular had a deadly glare directed straight at the male.

'Such beauty... It should be mine!' He thought enviously.

"W-well then... ahem... Let's go to the main hall and get started, everyone!" Clapping his hands twice to gain the student's attention, he swiftly made way to the main hall.


Slowly strolling behind the large crowd, the Deity's eyes met the well-hidden yet furious gaze of the dorm leader Schönheit.

Raising an eyebrow at the obvious distaste of the man, he turned his head to the side only to be met with the curious green eyes of a self-proclaimed 'Love Hunter'.

'Verflucht...' The Deity thought as he tried to look away.

"We have arrived!" The obnoxious voice of the headmage definitely snapped him back to reality, though.

𝚁𝙴𝚃𝚄𝚁𝙽 𝚃𝙾 𝙼𝙴, 𝙲𝙰𝙻𝚈𝙿𝚂𝙾. [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now