~Chapter 16~

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A strong stench of blood permeated the air. Around us was a sea of goblin corpses. The rough grey stone floor had been dyed crimson. It was eerily silent except for Renna's soft sobs. The torches, that once had danced with life, flickered out until only two torches remained. The remaining two torches shone on either side of the throne. They illuminated the orc's ghastly face. Its black eyes sparkled like jewels as it stared at us. Its lips were curled up like a crescent moon, empathising its long lower fangs. Adorned in its iron armour, it felt like a mighty deity.

As it looked down at us from atop its throne, I felt an immense pressure press down on me. I gasped for air with great difficulty. My body felt extremely heavy like lead. I circulated my anima to reduce its effects. Renna stopped weeping. She turned her head around. Horror and fear reflected in her emerald eyes as her gaze locked on with the orc's.

A deep growl echoed across the cave. It was deafening. Slobber dripped down the side of the orc's mouth. It licked its lips and leapt off the throne. It swung its two handed sword directly where Renna and I were. I clutched Renna around the tummy and rolled away to dodge.

Before we could catch our breath, the orc had swung its sword again. Its swing was like a guillotine: fast, precise and deadly. I moved my anima to my wings and wrapped them around Renna and I like a shield. The two handed sword landed directly on my left wing with a resounding thud. A loud cracking sound bounced off the cave walls. I hissed from the pain. My left wing had been broken.

Renna screamed. Her small body shook in fear. She hugged her knees like a little child.

"It's over. It's over," Renna repeatedly muttered under her breath. Her usually lively eyes had become dull.

I slapped Renna across the face. "Wake up."

The orc swung its sword again. I gritted my teeth and used my right wing to shield us.

Renna looked at me momentarily dazed before yelling, "what the hell did you do that for!?"

I heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed, for now, Renna had recovered back to her rational self. "Prepare to aim for its eyes," I commanded.

Renna looked at me dumbfounded. "And how exactly am I meant to do that?" Renna asked exasperated. She looked at the tall orc hopelessly. It was almost double her height.

The orc's two handed sword sunk into my right wing. My blood splattered everywhere. Before the orc could yank out its sword, I wrapped my blood around its blade. I kept going up until my blood tendrils had wrapped around its hands, firmly locking them in place. The orc tried its best to pull away but failed.

"Go now!" I yelled at Renna. Renna snapped back to her senses. She ran to where she had left her sword and stabbed at the orc's right eye. Then she yanked out the sword and pierced the orc's left eye. The orc let out an earth shattering scream. Blood dripped down from its shut eyes as if it were weeping. In a rage it began swinging its fists wildly everywhere, making it difficult to approach it.

"What do we do now?" Renna looked at me for guidance.

"Kill it," I said bluntly. My whole body ached. I took a deep breath in and used my blood to wrap like vines around the orc's ankles and wrists. Each vine had thorns that ripped into the orc's flesh, drawing out a stream of fresh blood. I tugged hard at the blood vines, making the orc kneel before me. Renna, taking advantage of the opportunity I had created, hacked away at the orc's thick neck.

Black speckles started to invade the corner of my vision. My head was spinning. I could hear my heart beat thudding in my ears.

"Hurry," I urged Renna.

"I'm going as fast as I can," Renna complained.

Even more black speckles invaded my vision. They multiplied at a rapid rate, eating away at my sight. I could feel I was losing control of my body. I bit my lips and did my best to hold on.

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