~Chapter 26~

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Upon seeing the frighten boy, the white dragon chuckled heartily.

"No need to fear child. I am Elysia, the bearer of light. I mean you no harm," a honey-like voice sounded. It was soothing to listen to and sent any listener into a state of tranquility. The little boy calmed down and looked up at the dragon with sparkling eyes.

The dragon gave off a majestic aura. There were two golden antlers atop its head. White fur ran down it's entire back. Where it's white scales were exposed, they shone dazzlingly in the evening light. Just like the little boy, the dragon had identical golden eyes. The boy stretched out his small hand and caressed the cheek of the dragon.

"Does that mean you'll help me beat up the bad guys in the future?" asked the boy. His beautiful golden eyes shone with excitement and anticipation.

"Indeed," responded Elysia. She bowed her head before the boy like a solider kneeling before a commander. "This one will follow your command and teach you how to harness the power bestowed upon you."

"Power!? What power?" asked the boy elatedly. He hoped up and down like a bunny rabbit. Yet, upon noticing the darkening sky, the boy's excitement vanished and he began to panic.

"Oh no, grandma is going to be worried. I better head back now!"

The scene began to change again. I sat atop of a wooden horse-drawn wagon with 6 other people. There were 3 girls and 3 boys of different races: an angel, a dwarf, an elf, a demi-human and two humans. They all seemed to know each other well. Amongst them I saw a familiar face. He had golden eyes but he had grown up into a fine young man. He wore white priest robes that fluttered in the morning breeze.

"I'm scared. Why must we go face the demon lord?" the angel whined. She raised her legs so that she could hug her knees like a child. She had gorgeous white wings that were tucked behind her back. A white halo hoovered above her head. Long silver hair fell down like a waterfall either side of her.

"Come on Lilah, the pay is good," the demi-human urged. He was half-fox and half-human. He had auburn coloured hair and pointy ears that faded to white at the tips. He wore a smile that wasn't quite a smile on his face. Behind him were two tails that were also auburn and faded to a cream white.

Lilah rolled her eyes. "You only care about money. I wouldn't be surprised if you sold your life away if the price was right."

"Whilst it would be tempting, I wouldn't be able to enjoy my newfound wealth if I'm dead," chuckled the demi-human.

"Now now, don't bicker you two," mediated the gentleman with the golden eyes. "Remember, we need to defeat the demon lord to stop the threat the demonic beasts create. As long as the demon lord is alive, the demonic beasts will increase in number faster than we can defeat them. Given we have been bestowed powers by the goddess, it's our duty."

"But what if we never asked for this power," sighed Lilah. "I wanted to live an ordinary life not one full of constant danger."

"Don't worry Lilah, I'll protect you no matter what. Once we defeat the demon lord we can all go home together and celebrate. We'll be heroes remembered throughout history!" responded a lively human girl with firey red hair. She had her hair half up with two twin tails. The rest of her hair curled down like waves to her waist.

"Thank you Nemera."

The sound of a book being harshly shut reverberated through the air. A gentleman with a cold aura stared at the lively group of people. He had pointed ears that poked out. Long black hair covered half of his face. The rest of his hair was neatly tied up into a low ponytail. He had piercing blue eyes that resembled the colour of a blue topaz.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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