~Chapter 6~

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"Goblins!" yelled Renna.

I jumped up onto my feet. I carefully took in my surroundings. There were about 4 goblins that surrounded us. They were short - about 1 meter tall. Their skin was as green as a lime. Two large fangs protruded from their lower jaw giving them a ghastly appearance. I could feel their blood lust behind their soulless gazes. Each goblin held a small rusty knife and growled ferociously. They wore light armour that barely covered their skinny bodies. Currently, their black eyes were observing us before deciding upon their next move.

"Kocho, can you take the two goblins on the right?" Renna summoned a sword from her ring. She pointed it valiantly at the goblins, getting ready for battle.

"Sure," I shrugged.

I watched as Renna charged towards the two goblins on the left and engaged in battle. Her green hair danced wildly in the wind as she swung her sword. Clang! The sound of a dagger being unsheathed behind me caught my attention. I watched as a goblin jumped up into the air. It smiled sinisterly at me. Its dagger glinted coldly under the moonlight. I stepped backwards. After the goblin landed, its dagger got stuck in the dry earth. It tried fruitlessly to pull out the dagger. I kicked down hard on its head, smashing the goblin's skull in. Noticing that their comrade had died in one move, the other goblin started to shake from fear and began to flee. I knew well that letting a goblin escape would spell trouble. I pulled out the knife from the ground. I then threw it at the fleeing goblin. The knife pierced the back of the goblin's head causing it to thud to the ground. I turned around to check on Renna.

Two goblin corpses were bleeding out by her feet. Blood had splattered all over Renna's coat.

"Ugh what a mess," I heard Renna grumble. She took off her coat and threw it into the bonfire. Upon realising I was looking at her, she smiled sympathetically at me. "Sorry Kocho, you will have to rest later. We should burn the goblin's corpses as to not attract anymore and move to a safer location." Renna paused and pondered, "though it is weird that they'd stray so far away from their den. Sounds like this is gonna be an even bigger pain than I had originally thought."

I tilted my head in confusion.

Renna sighed, "goblins do not usually move together or stray so far. It is likely the cause of something even more powerful and intelligent than the goblins. We should be extra vigilant."

I nodded. I suddenly felt a strong sensation of danger. In the corner of my eye I saw a flash of cold light reflecting off an arrowhead. I turned my head in horror to see a goblin on top of a tree branch. It had a smug smile on its face as it looked down on us. Its bow was fully drawn with an arrow aiming at Renna. I rushed towards Renna, pushing her out of harm's way. I felt a sharp pain as the arrow pierced into my arm. I hissed from agony. My head started to throb, and my vision started to turn black. The arrow had been laced with poisoned. I dropped to my knees and held my head in my hands.

"Kocho!" yelled Renna worriedly. She hurriedly stood up and ran to me.

"Stay back," I shouted.

I bit down hard into my thumb, drawing blood. I sucked on my thumb and forced myself to taste its metallic sweetness. Another wave of sharp pain engulfed me before my body started to heat up. I felt like I was walking in the fires of hell. Black feathery wings sprouted from my back, tearing the back of my clothes. Two horns formed on my head. I had successfully transformed into my demon form. The pain started to subside, and the poison lost its effect.

Demons have immunity against all poisons. But, when we take on the appearance of a human, we adopt their characteristics and lose that immunity. In addition, in our human form, our demonic powers are sealed but helps conceal our aura.

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