Drinks & smokey butts pt. 1

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This was requested by SamWinchestersgirl07 hope you enjoy it ♡


As the members prepared for their night out at the club, the leader gathered them in the hall.

"Listen up, everyone," he began, his tone firm. "I want tonight to be fun, but remember, no funny business-"

"How can it be fun without any funny business?" Wooyoung quipped, before quickly muttering an apology as the leader fixed him with a warning glare.

He clears his throat before continuing, "If anyone misbehaves, there will be consequences." He paused, scanning each member with a serious gaze.

"And let me make this clear: no smoking or drinking," the leader declared, eliciting a few grunts and murmurs from the members. Ignoring their discontent, he continued, "Listen up, folks. We're out in public, and I refuse to entertain any risks stemming from foolishness that could land us in trouble. Am I clear?"

The question came across more as a demand, implying that anything other than a straightforward 'Yes' wouldn't be acceptable.

"Yes, hyung!" echoed the chorus in unison, punctuated by Wooyoung's muttered remark under his breath.

"Did you say something, Young-ah?" the leader inquired, raising an eyebrow

Wooyoung squared his shoulders, the grip on his bag tightening as he met the leader's gaze.

"Nah, hyung," younger male replied, a mischievous glint in his eye, eliciting a subtle eye-roll from the leader.

"Alright then, let's hoof it to the car, shall we?" The leader's smile held a hint of amusement as they moved forward, ready for the night's adventures.

As Wooyoung followed the others out, he sensed someone staring at him intensely. Turning around with a sigh, he faced the leader.

"What's up, hyung?"

"Why the bag?" the leader asked, nodding toward the bag on Wooyoung's shoulder. "What's the deal with bringing that to the club?" He spoke quietly, squinting in suspicion.

"Ah, this?" Wooyoung glanced down at the bag, then back at the leader. "Just some essentials, hyung. You never know when you might need them."

The leader raised an eyebrow, still unconvinced. "Alright, just don't cause any trouble tonight," he warned before getting inside the car in passenger seat as Wooyoung got at the back sitting on the left of Yeosang who sat at window seat.

Wooyoung couldn't suppress a pout, his lips curling in mock offense. "Why are you saying this to me. I havent even done anything... yet" he whispered the last part shooting a suggestive grin as he glanced at the rearview mirror.


As they stepped into the bar, the thumping bass enveloped them in its pulsating rhythm. Colorful lights flickered across the dimly lit space, illuminating the eclectic crowd. The air buzzed with anticipation, a blend of sweat, perfume, and cocktails.

"Wow, this place is lit!" exclaimed Jongho, his eyes wide with excitement as he took in the scene.

Seonghwa nodded in agreement, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "It's definitely lively"

Wooyoung and Mingi jumped in surprise as San enveloped them with his bulky arms.

"Jesus! You scared me, San!" exclaimed Mingi, turning to see San's grinning face.

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