Drinks & smokey butts pt. 2

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"Wooyoung, follow me to my room. Everyone else, please go to your rooms," the leader's voice cut through the air, commanding and authoritative as he ascended the stairs without sparing a glance at the others.

Wooyoung's head hung low as he just stood there waiting for everyone  to leave as he remained rooted to the spot, silently bracing himself for the impending ass walloping he was about to receive.

"What on earth were you thinking!?" Wooyoung snapped out of his reverie as Seonghwa lingered behind. His tone was heavy with disappointment, the weight of the situation palpable in the air.

"I'm sorry, hyung," Wooyoung mumbled, his gaze shifting nervously from his toes to Seonghwa's face.

"Well, I am sorry for your ass!" Seonghwa let out a frustrated exhale, shaking his head he turned and headed towards his room, leaving Wooyoung alone.

"Okay, Wooyoung, you got this," he muttered to himself, trying to muster some confidence. "Just walk in there and pretend you're not about to face the wrath of a thousand suns," he muttered to himself.

Standing outside the leader's room, a place that invoked fear in the hearts of the members whenever summoned, he couldn't help but mutter to himself, "Maybe this time, he'll go easy on me. Right?" His nervous chuckle sounded more like a strangled whimper than a confident laugh.

Noticing the door slight ajar, he knocked at it , "Hyung, it's Wooyoungie~ " he says peering inside.

Pushing the door open he allows himself inside, "Hyung?" He calls out pushing his hands into his pockets. His gaze swept across the room, noticing the darkness in the bathroom, he realized the leader wasn't there either.

His eyes fell on the study table littered with papers. He approached the table, picking up a few papers to examine the lyrics written on them.

"Whoa, he's been busy," he murmured, a hint of admiration in his voice. Satisfied with his quick inspection, he turned around and nearly jumped out of his skin due to the sudden appearance of the leader right behind him!


Wooyoung screeched, strings of colorful curses slipping out his mouth.

Hongjoong grimaced at the vulgar tone "Yah! Mind your language"

"Hyung..." younger trails, hands clutching the front fabric of his shirt. "I'm already on edge knowing my ass is about to get walloped, and then you just appear like a ghost out of nowhere!" he rambled in one breath. Suddenly, his eyes locked onto the familiar looking object in the leader's hands, and he felt a second wave of fear wash over him.

"H-hyung, you're not... planning to use that!" he stammered, pointing a shaky finger at the hairbrush.

Hongjoong raised an eyebrow, a stern expression on his face. "Oh, I fully intend to, considering the severity of your actions. Consider yourself lucky I'm sticking to this," he replied firmly.

Wooyoung's eyes widened, his face drained of color, while Hongjoong's expression remained stoic as he walked past him and settled on the edge of the bed.

"C'mon, let's just get this over with," he said, his tone firm but not unkind.

With a lump in his throat, younger turned around and took hesitant steps toward the leader. Each step felt small, almost like he wasn't moving at all.

Hongjoong's patience wore thin as he watched Wooyoung's slow progress.

"Wooyoung, I don't have the patience to deal with this all night!" he snapped, tone edged with frustration.

As soon as the younger was within leader's arm length he was yanked by his arms and easily manhandled over the leader's lap.


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