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It was a really rainy day when a flash flood appeared in a forest, and a school bus got washed away by it. Luckily for the bus driver and the class inside the bus, the Rescue Heroes and the Autobots came to the rescue, and managed to get them out of the bus to get them to safety just in the nick of time before another flash flood wave appeared and washes the bus away for good. Once they all got to safety, the Rescue Heroes and the Autobots take the bus driver and the class to the nearest hospital just in case if anyone of them was hurt during the incident, and luckily nobody was badly hurt too much, much to their relief. Somewhere in the state of Kansas, a week after the flash flood incident, Rocky, Prowl, Bumblebee, Jake, Jokey and Jokeo were at some house that looked like it was in the middle of nowhere. At the moment, Rocky was finishing cleaning up a car that seems to be special to the Rescue Hero rookie. Rocky: "There we go, all finished." Bumblebee: "Nice paint job, but what it needs is some yellow and black stripes like me." Jokey: "I think it needs some green." Jokeo: "Or maybe some orange..." Prowl: "I was not aware that you own a car." Rocky: "Actually... this was my dad's car... it's all I got left of him..." Jake: "You mean..." Rocky: "Yeah... he passed away some time ago... he was a great man... a good climber like me... as well as an inventor, like that tornado detector of his that's... oh no..." said Rocky, as he looks at the tornado detector, which begins to show signs that it was detecting a tornado coming. Jokey: "Is it supposed to do that?" Rocky: "Yeah... this means only one thing... a tornado's coming..." Jake: "Oh no..." Jokeo: "A tornado?!, like the one that sends you to the land of Oz?" Jake: "That's only a story, a real tornado can kill you if you get caught in it..." Jokey: "Oh... that's really bad... oh my gosh!, the girls!" Jokeo: "We gotta warn them!" Bumblebee: "You mean Gidget and Melody?" Jokeo: "Actually, we mean Flopsy and Mopsy, the rabbit sisters of Peter Rabbit, they're somewhere in the area with their brother." Jokey: "We gotta find them!" called out Jokey and Jokeo, before they ran off to who knows where, in hopes to find the rabbit sisters they mentioned. Jake: "Wait!, you can't go out there all alone when there's a tornado coming!" Rocky: "He's right!, come back!" called out Jake and Rocky, but the hyenas didn't hear as they were too far away now. Bumblebee: "We should go after them..." Prowl: "Agreed... there's no telling what could happen to them out there alone." said Prowl, before he and Bumblebee transformed into their vehicle modes and Rocky went into Bumblebee while Jake hops onto Prowl and drove off to find the hyena twins. Meanwhile, elsewhere in Kansas, the rest of the Autobots and the Rescue Heroes were getting a call from Roger Houston that a tornado was coming, which will cause a lot of damage to the area in it's path. Wendy: "Wait... Rocky, Jake, Prowl, Bumblebee and the hyena twins are out there..." Billy: "We'll find them, don't worry, right now we need to make sure everyone in this town are safely in the shelters." Gidget: "I hope Peter and his family are safe too..." Sari: "Who?" Melody: "Friends of ours that we made some time ago." Tommy: "And Jokey and Jokeo have a crush on both of Flopsy and Mopsy, who happen to be two of Peter Rabbit's three sisters." Jack: "Peter Rabbit... the one from the Beatrix Potter books?" Gidget: "Sort of... but he learned his lesson after what happened in that garden, and about being honest helps more than lying." Tommy: "Yeah... he got into a lot of trouble after telling so many lies." Melody: "No kidding... but at least he's honest now." Ariel: "We can talk about memory lane later, right now we need to get these people to safety." Ratchet: "She's right, let's move out!" so with that, the Autobots and Rescue Heroes, along with some of the Toon kids, went off to help the people of the town to get into the shelters. Somewhere outside of the town, there was a tree that was also a house that belonged to a Toon rabbit family, and they were the family of Peter Rabbit (voiced by Cam Clarke), the rabbit from the Beatrix Potter books. Along with Peter were his sisters, Flopsy that wears a red cloak, Mopsy that wears a yellow cloak, and finally Cottontail, who wears a green cloak (all voiced by Debbie Derryberry). Ever since their mother passed away, Peter and his sisters have been living on their own, trying to take care of each other. They of course had another rabbit that helps them, a girl rabbit with white fur and a pink dress named Fluff (voiced by Debbie Derryberry), who happens to be Peter's crush and girlfriend for a while now. At the moment, Fluff came over to Peter's place, knocking the door like crazy. Fluff: "Peter!, Flopsy!, Mopsy!, Cottontail!, are you there!, we got to get out of here!" called out Fluff, before Peter and his sisters came out. Peter: "Oh... Fluff, what's wrong?" Fluff: "There's a tornado coming!, we need to find shelter!" Flopsy: "What?!, a tornado!" Mopsy: "That's bad, right?" Cottontail: "Of course it is." Peter: "Oh man... I knew moving here was a bad idea..." Fluff: "No you didn't, you said that..." Peter: "Oh yeah... don't remind me..." Flopsy: "Never mind that, we better get out of here before this tornado shows up." Fluff: "Good idea." so with that, the group of young rabbits went on the run to find shelter, when they ran into the hyena twins. Jokey: "Flopsy!" Jokeo: "Mopsy!" Flopsy: "Jokey?!" Mopsy: "Jokeo?!" Cottontail: "What are you two doing here?" Jokey: "We came to find you, are you alright?" Fluff: "We're fine, but a tornado's coming." Jokeo: "No... it's here!" called out Jokeo, as he points at the tornado that has come to the scene, much to the group's shock and horror. That was when Bumblebee, Prowl, Jake and Rocky came to the scene, taking the hyenas and rabbit Toons inside Bumblebee's vehicle mode and drove away from the scene, trying to get away from the Tornado as fast as possible. Jake: "Come on!, we need to find shelter quick!" Rocky: "But where?, the only shelter that's closest to here is... where my car is at..." Jake: "Then let's use it!" Rocky: "But my car... it's all I got left of my dad..." Jake: "I know it's hard, we all might lose something important from this disaster... but we'll come out alive if we use the shelter, and that's what's important!, and we need to save these kids!" shouted Jake, before Rocky looks at the kids, who are in need of help, and then Rocky remembered something that his father told him long ago, that protecting a life is more important than any object, which made Rocky smile. Rocky: "You're right... coming out alive is more important, and a life is the most important thing to protect, that's what my dad once told me..." Jake: "He sounds like a wise man." Rocky: "Yeah... he was... alright, let's take the shelter!" called out Rocky, before he and the others went to Rocky's dad's house, remove the car from the shelter, and used the shelter to protect themselves from the incoming tornado, which passed through the area and caused a lot of damage to the area. Some time later, the tornado was gone, and the sky began to clear up, before Rocky, Jake, the Autobot pair, and the Toon hyenas and rabbits came out of the shelter, shaken a little but were alright. Flopsy: "Brother... I think it's time we move somewhere that doesn't get any tornadoes..." Peter: "Yeah... agreed..." Fluff: "So... are you... the Rescue Heroes?" Rocky: "That's right, and these two are Bumblebee and Prowl, alien robots called Autobots." Bumblebee: "Sup." Prowl: "Greetings." Mopsy: "Well it's nice to meet you." Cottontail: "And thank you for saving us back there." Jake: "Just doing our job." Jokeo: "Oh no... Rocky's car..." said Jokeo, pointing at the now trashed car, and Rocky goes over to it. Jokey: "Sorry about your car..." Rocky: "That's fine... I can always fix it... and besides... protecting lives are much more important than an object... something my dad once told me..." Fluff: "He sounds like he was wise." Rocky: "Yeah... he was... anyway, we better go find the others, let them know we're okay." Jake: "Good idea." said Jake, before he and the others went off to find their team. Back with the rest of the Rescue Heroes and the Autobots, they were making sure that the people were all safe and sound, when Rocky, Jake, Bumblebee, Prowl, and the Toon hyenas and rabbits came to the scene. Billy: "I see you all made it." Jake: "Yeah, thanks to Rocky's dad's shelter." Rocky: "Yeah, and I see you pulled through too." Optimus Prime: "It wasn't easy, but we pulled through." Ratchet: "I'm guessing those rabbits with you are Peter Rabbit and his siblings that the Toon kids mentioned?" Peter: "Hi, my name's Peter Rabbit, and these are my sisters, Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail, and the white rabbit is Fluff, my girlfriend." Fluff: "A pleasure to meet you all." Melody: "Thank goodness you're okay..." Peter: "Yeah, us too." Billy: "Alright then, let's go make sure the rest of the townsfolk are alright as well, let's move out!" called out Billy, before he and the others went to work on helping the townsfolk.

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