The Fire Of Field 13

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In the middle of the night, somewhere in a forest, there was a campsite that had a lot of campers, including the Toon kids, who were all currently sleeping in their tents. However, the peaceful night was about to go chaotic, as it seems that the Demon trio has not only escaped from prison, but also were ready to get revenge. ScreamClaw: "This is it boys... those brats are in one of these tents..." ThunderSmacker: "Time to make them pay for humiliating us..." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... they're gonna p-p-pay..." said the Demon trio, before they fired a blast from their pitch forks on a campfire that explodes, releasing a forest fire in the campsite, causing all of the campers to run away from the scene. It wasn't long before some firefighters came to the scene and were doing their best to put out the fire before it spreads too much. As for the Toon kids, they and little Roo were doing their best to escape from not only the fire, but the Demon trio as well, who soon managed to surround the group. Tommy: "Oh man... don't you creeps ever give up?!" ScreamClaw: "Not as long as you owe us your souls..." ThunderSmacker: "So we will not stop until we get your souls." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... or when your soul d-d-debts get expired..." ScreamClaw: "Shut up SpaceWarp!... anyway... it's over for you brats... and there's nobody around to save you this time." Optimus Prime: "Wanna bet?!" called out Optimus Prime, who along with the rest of the Autobots and Rescue Heroes came to the scene, trying to put out the fire and surrounded the Demon trio. Ratchet: "Didn't we already taken care of these goons?" ThunderSmacker: "Goons?!, we're demons!, there's a difference!" Prowl: "I doubt you should be worried about that now... for if you lay one claw on these children... you're gonna be in really big trouble." Bumblebee: "More so than they already are?" Sari: "Maybe." ScreamClaw: "Sorry... but you have more important things to worry about... like the gas wells in this area, known as Field 13." ThunderSmacker: "Indeed, for if the fire reaches them, they'll be ignited, and the heat from the gas fueled fire will cause some large nearby tanks to blow up, destroying this entire forest." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what they said..." said the Demon trio, before they used their pitch forks to teleport themselves out of the scene, leaving the Autobots, the Rescue Heroes and the kids alone in the scene. Gidget: "Man... I really hate those guys..." Jokey: "No kidding... they're really mean..." Jokeo: "Yeah..." Tommy: "But they're right about the forest being destroyed if the Gas wells and the storage tanks blow up by the fire." Wendy: "Yes, the heat will surely make them explode and blow the whole forest with them." Jake: "Then let's go and get to the Gas wells before that happens." Billy: "Right, let's go team!" so with that, the Rescue Heroes and the Autobots drove off to the Gas Wells of Field 13, in hopes to stop the fire before it reaches them. Unfortunately, the fire managed to reach the area before the heroes could, as the fire has caused the gas wells to be ignited. Tommy: "Oh no..." Billy: "We're too late, the gas wells have been ignited... gas masks everybody." said Billy, before he and the others put on their gas masks. Rocky: "I've never seen fire burn like that before..." Bulkhead: "Yeah... me neither..." Ratchet: "I think I have during the Great War... but that was caused by the attacks of the Decepticons..." Billy: "This fire's being fueled by the natural gas under the earth's crust... it could burn for hundreds of years..." Jake: "We have a problem, the storage tanks, their temperature is rising, if they get too hot, they'll blow, and burn this whole forest with them..." said Jake, as he looks at the scanner on Prowl's vehicle mode, while Billy looks at the storage tanks. Billy: "Ariel, where's the nearest town?" Ariel: "About 20 miles from here, populated with 2,000 people." Billy: "We better tell them to evacuate just in case, in the meantime, we need to put out this fire as soon as possible." Jokey: "Maybe the ice beam from my Mammoth form could cool those tanks down a little..." Jokeo: "Yeah, it just might work, and I can use my giraffe form's fire breath to make the ice become water so it doesn't do any frozen damage to the tanks." Gidget: "Good idea boys, but be careful on how to mix your powers, don't make the water too hot or too cold." Jokey and Jokeo: "Yes Ma'am." said Jokey and Jokeo, before they ran off to begin their work on trying to cool down the tanks as soon and as much as possible. Suddenly, trouble came again when the Demon trio showed up again, and ScreamClaw managed to get a hold of Melody, before flying away towards the flaming gas wells. Roo managed to jump onto ScreamClaw, and then both kids and the Demon trio fell into the area of the burning gas wells. Miss Kanga: "Roo!, my baby!" Tommy: "Melody no!, my little sister!" cried out Miss Kanga and Tommy, worried for Melody and Roo's safety. Bumblebee: "Oh man... that's not good..." Sari: "We gotta help them!" Bulkhead: "How?" Optimus Prime: "Some of us are made of metal, so the fire can't hurt us as much as it would on humans... but it would be wise not to be too close to the flames for too long... I'll go in and get the kids." Billy: "I'm going with you, just in case if there's any trapped workers inside the building." Optimus Prime: "Right." said Optimus Prime, before he transforms into his vehicle mode, and then Billy goes inside, before the pair drove through the flames, and made it into the area, where they begin their search for Roo and Melody, and any workers that might still be inside the building. It wasn't long before the pair find not only a worker, but both Roo and Melody, who were both wearing masks they found in the office. Roo: "Mr Billy!, Mr Optimus Prime!, over here!" Melody: "This man needs help!" Billy: "Alright, we better get a mask for him too." Roo: "On it." said Roo, before he gives Billy a mask for the worker, who begins to open his eyes, but was still too weak to walk. So Billy carries the worker out of the building, and then Optimus Prime transforms into vehicle mode again, so that he can help Billy and the others get through the fire wall without getting burnt. Once they got through however, the Demon trio showed up again, and they tried to attack Optimus Prime while he's in vehicle mode, unable to transform as long as Billy, Roo, Melody and the worker were still inside him. The rest of the Rescue Heroes and Autobots went after Prime, and then Sari fires ice beams from her blasters that hit the trio, which made them roared in pain by the sheer cold. ScreamClaw: "Ah!, ice!" ThunderSmacker: "The cold!" SpaceWarp: "So p-p-painful!" ScreamClaw: "Demons!, retreat for now!, retreat!" cried out ScreamClaw, before he and the other Demons used their pitchforks to teleport themselves out of the scene, leaving Optimus Prime and the others alone in the area. Once the demon trio were finally gone, the Autobots went to work on putting caps over the gas wells to put out the fire, which they did and it wasn't long before the fire of Field 13 was finally put out, causing everyone to cheer for victory. Rocky: "Alright!, mission accomplished!" Jake: "Yup, though it looks like a lot of damage has been done..." Jake: "Well at least we managed to save most of the forest and the campers and workers." Wendy: "That's true... and I'm sure in time, the forest will grow back." Jake: "That's true." said Jake, before Melody walks over to Roo. Melody: "You were really brave tonight Roo, you tried to save me from the Demon trio... thanks." said Melody, before she gives Roo a kiss on the cheek, which surprised him while blushing a little, and placed his hand on the cheek that Melody kissed, while the little rabbit girl giggled a little. Miss Kanga: "Aw~, isn't that sweet... my little Roo just got his first kiss." Roo: "Mama..." said Roo, feeling a little embarrassed by what his mother said about him getting his first kiss. Tommy: "I don't believe it... my little sister actually kissed someone..." Gidget: "Well it makes sense... she does have a little crush on Roo... I can't blame her though... he's a really nice boy... just like you." Tommy: "Really?, like me?" Gidget: "Yup... and you know what?, I think you deserve a kiss too." said Gidget, before she gives Tommy a kiss on the cheek, causing him to blush a little too. Meanwhile, outside of the forest, the Demon trio were scrapping off the ice that Sari put on them earlier. ScreamClaw: "I don't believe this!, how could we have lose again?!" ThunderSmacker: "They know our weakness..." SpaceWarp: "And t-t-they outnumber us..." ScreamClaw: "Oh shut up!" suddenly, they hear the sound of large footsteps coming their way, and then the Decepticons, lead by Megatron, came to the scene. Starscream: "Oh great... more of this planet's inferior creatures..." ThunderSmacker: "Inferior?!, we're far from inferior machine!, we're demons!" Lugnut: "We don't care what you are!, you're nothing compared to our glorious leader, Megatron!" Icy Blitzwing: "Wait... I think I've seen them before on the planet's papers... they're called the Demon trio... famous for stealing souls from mortals of this world." Hothead Blitzwing: "And yet they let themselves get kicked around by a bunch of brats!, how pathetic can they be?!" Random Blitzwing: "Ooh!, I wanna see them do magic tricks!, can I?!, ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" Megatron: "Hmm... these three might be useful..." Starscream: "You can't be serious..." Icy Blitzwing: "How can they be a help?" Megatron: "These creatures and us have a common enemy... the Autobots and these so called Rescue Heroes... and their powers have got my interest..." ScreamClaw: "What do you want from us?" Megatron: "Help us get the AllSpark... and we'll help you get these so called souls of the ones you're after." said Megatron with an evil smile on his face, while the Demon trio begins to let out a chuckle, which then became a crazy and evil laugh that echoed throughout the area.

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