Storm Of The Century, Part 2

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Last time, the Demon trio used their magic to create the storm of the century, luring the Autobots and Rescue Heroes away from HQ to help the people that are being effected by the storm, while the Decepticons invade the Rescue Heroes HQ and space station to try getting the kids for a ransom for the AllSpark. With guidance from the AllSpark, the kids used it to restore power to the Autobot ship, and a mysterious voice of an Autobot that calls himself Omega Supreme, who gets the ship to fly off to Canada, before the Decepticons shot it down with their weapons. Now, the Autobot ship was falling to it's doom. Jokey: "I never thought it would end like this..." Jokeo: "Me neither..." Omega Supreme: "No... it won't end like this... not again." said Omega Supreme, before the Autobot ship begins to transform into a gigantic Autobot, which was the true form of Omega Supreme himself, much to the everyone's surprise. Rocky: "What... the..." Wendy: "Whoa..." Sari: "No way... I had no idea our ship was an Autobot..." Optimus Prime: "Omega Supreme... you're online!" Omega Supreme: "Yes... and is Ratchet okay?" asked Omega Supreme, before Ratchet calls him through his com-link. Ratchet: "I am, and I'm really glad to hear your voice again... but how are you online again?" Omega Supreme: "The AllSpark gave my life again... with the help of these little ones that are with me." Bumblebee: "So the kids are okay?" Sari: "Thank goodness..." Ratchet: "Well done old friend... now listen, the Decepticons must not get the AllSpark or the kids, that's your top priority now, the rest of us must make sure these people in the areas we're at now are safe." Omega Supreme: "Copy that Ratchet... say... what is this place?, cause it doesn't look like Cybertron..." Ratchet: "Yeah... long story..." Roo: "Um... could we perhaps save the story after we take care of the Decepticons and the demon dragons?" Tommy: "The Demon dragons?" Roo: "Yeah, look!" called out Roo, as the Demon trio came to the scene, flying with the Decepticons. ScreamClaw: "Brats!, we will have your souls!, one way or another!" ThunderSmacker: "And you will pay for the humiliations you put us through!" SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah!, what he said!" Gidget: "Uh oh..." Ratchet: "Kids, stay inside Omega Supreme and stay safe!" Melody: "Okay..." said Melody, before Omega Supreme flys back up into the air, while the Demon dragons and the Decepticons went after him. Optimus Prime: "I have to stop Megatron." Rocky: "But you can't fly." Optimus Prime: "Normally that might be true, but Ratchet, Sari and I have been working on a jet pack for me that should help me out." said Optimus Prime, before he pressed his Autobot symbol on his arm, before a jet pack came out of his back, ready for him to take off into the air, and it wasn't long before Sari follows behind. Sari: "You're gonna need backup dad, so there's no way I'm letting you have all the fun in the sky." Optimus Prime: "But Sari... I can't risk losing you like how I lost your mother..." Sari: "You won't... I'm not going down without a fight..." Optimus Prime: "Alright... let's do this." said Optimus Prime, before he and Sari went to fight the Megatron, while Omega Supreme fights the rest of the Decepticons and the Demon dragons. Bumblebee and the Rescue Heroes went to work on helping some people evacuate from a trashed train that fell off the rails, while watching the battle before them in the sky. Megatron: "You're some stubborn Autobots." Optimus Prime: "My name... is Optimus Prime!" Sari: "And I'm Sari!" Megatron: "I'll try to remember them... for very few Autobots have given me as much trouble as you have for quite some time." said Megatron, before he and the Autobot pair continued their battle. As for the rest of the Decepticons, they tried to attack Omega Supreme again, only for the giant Autobot to use his own weapons to defeat them, damaging them enough to make them fall and unable to fight anymore. As for the Demon trio, they managed to get inside the giant Autobot, and were ready to capture the kids at last, when Boney 10 came to the scene with what looked like a rule book. Boney 10: "Stop right there you creeps!" ScreamClaw: "Get out of our way Boney 10, these kids owe us their souls." Boney 10: "Not anymore, for I did a recheck on the rules here... and it says that if the soul has not been collected in over a month, it automatically returns to the original owner, and it's been over a few months since the kids made a deal with you for their powers... meaning you no longer have the right to go after the kids." ThunderSmacker: "What?!" SpaceWarp: "Uh... oh..." ScreamClaw: "No... this can't be happening!" Boney 10: "Sorry, but I'm afraid it's over... now leave these children alone... or I'll have no choice but to tell your boss about..." ScreamClaw: "Okay fine!, you win... but mark my words... when we get the chance... we will get their souls..." said ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons left the scene, leaving Boney 10 and the kids alone inside Omega Supreme. Soon, the storm of the century started to vanish, allowing both the rest of the Rescue Heroes and the Autobots to finish their job much quicker. As for Optimus Prime and Sari, together they made the finishing move that sends Megatron falling to the ground, damaging him enough to prevent him from going anywhere. Megatron: "What are you waiting for Optimus Prime... finish me..." Optimus Prime: "That would be the easy way out Megatron... you don't deserve it..." Sari: "Look... the storm's going away..." Optimus Prime: "And just in time too..." suddenly, both Rescue Heroes and the Autobots get a call from Roger Houston, who along with Warren Waters and the other other workers managed to retake the Hexagon from Soundwave, who was now trashed like the other Decepticons. Roger: "Rescue Heroes, this is Roger Houston, I'm happy to tell you all that the storm is finally over, and we managed to retake control of the Hexagon, as for Soundwave... we managed to take care of him." Warren: "Turns out he's not the toughest of the Cons... thankfully, so we managed to take him down." Wendy: "Good to hear Dad... we got good news too, the Decepticons on our end have been defeated." Billy: "And the kids are safe too... thanks to a really big new ally." said Billy, looking at Omega Supreme, who was looking up at the planet's now clear sky.

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