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The sun is about to rise. It's getting light around. Yoongi took out his phone and looked at the time. It's six in the morning. He put the phone back in his pocket and looked out the window. The road was deserted. The crowd hadn't started yet. Another hour's drive from here then they'll reach their grandparent's house.

Poor Taehyung has driven all night and now wakening him again and asking him to drive is completely unreasonable. He let out a small gasp. He wrapped the part of the dupatta in his hand around you well and gently pushed Taehyung's shoulder with one hand. He did not respond the first time but opened his eyes for the second time. His eyes red as if he is possessed and said,
"Actually, hyung i fall asleep, I'll start dri-"

Yoongi stopped him in the middle. He lowered his voice and said with affection.
"Come in the back seat. Get some sleep. I'll drive. No problem."

"Oh no no, I can drive." Taehyung said unprepared.

Yoongi said with some seriousness in his calm voice.
"Tae, do as I say. come sit in the back seat."

Taehyung didn't say anything about yoongi's words. He opened the door as Taehyung slowly stepped back and stood. He moved your head from his chest and hold you with his one hand and asked Taehyung to go in. He entered quietly. As soon as he sat down, yoongi gently rested your head on Taehyung's shoulder and said in a somewhat commanding manner,
"Don't let her woke up, ok."

Taehyung smiled and nodded his head. Yoongi understood the meaning of this smile. In return, he also smiled lightly and once again looked at your sleeping face and closed the door. He took two deep breaths in the pure air of cold nature and sat on the driving seat.


A two storied house built in ancient times. Even though it is old, they paint the house every few days, so it is not in such a bad condition. This is the home of your grandparents hard work.

As soon as the car stopped, yoongi woke everyone up. But you're still sleeping. Even though Taehyung had been sleeping for so long, now he is sitting like a statue with his eyes wide open. There is no movement in him. When everyone got down, yoongi also got down. Seeing their car stopped, uncle Minho came running. He does all the maintenance work of this house. Your grandparents and some staff are there to cook otherwise this huge house is left empty.

Yoongi opened the door next to Taehyung after putting the bags in the hands of some people. He said,
"Go inside, I'll wake her up."

As soon as Taehyung came out, your head fell and you looked at yoongi with sleepy eyes. You asked in a sleepy voice,
"It's morning?" So you looked around. Not finding anyone, you asked in a surprised voice, "Where is everyone?"

"Everyone's inside. You're just sleeping. Come out."

You came out of the car. Usually when you wake up, you are always in a bad mood, but today was an exception. Seeing the green nature surrounded by the softness of the surroundings made your mind happy. What beautiful trees. All the trees are full of leaves with the touch of autumn. Birds chirping is heard.

The last time you came to this house was almost two years ago. It is not a special visit. Although the physical distance with your grandparents is long, the mental distance is very little. You didn't have father's sides grandparents. They left the illusion of the world before you are born. No one except yoongi got the proximity of their love.


After entering the house, everyone took a bath. aunts and uncles had reached before you all. Many rooms lined up in a row on 2nd floors. Like a long balcony in front. If you stand there, you can see the whole hall below. The space on the side of the balcony is round. From there, the entire courtyard garden and pond are all visible. The big room in the corner, that's your grandparents room. The rest are kept clean as you all come. Yoongi and Jimin are in one room. Chaewon and you are in the next room. Namjoon and Taehyung are in the next room of yours.

After showering, you came out wearing a light green dress. After rubbing your wet hair with the towel, you sit under the fan and dries the rest of your hair.

Chaewon showered before you. One of the staff came and called you both to come down. You both did not delay anymore and stood up. You haven't met with your grandparents yet. They were asleep when you arrived.

When you both came down, you saw everyone sitting at the huge table including your grandparents. Your grandpa Lee Dohyun is sitting in the head chair. He had a big smile on his face. After so long, the house seems full again. Sometimes he gets seriously ill, but when he recovers, he becomes strong again. No one can think that this man was so sick.

You and Chaewon quickly walked forward. You both greeted him, he patted your head as you both stood before him. He smiled and said,
"My two granddaughters have grown so much? We have to start looking prince for them in a few days."

Even though his joke was not serious, both of you felt a little shy. However, without replying, you both sat quietly at the table with politeness.

Yoongi is on one side of you and his mother is on the other side. You're sitting between them. Obviously this chair was left empty for you by yoongi.

There is a feast of food on the dining table. Nothing is left out. There is bread and meat and there is also khichri.

"My grandsons have grown up so well. And yoongi, you have become so handsome." Lee dohyun said while chewing meat with bread.

Yoongi smiled shyly. You narrowed your eyes, looked at him but turned to concentrated on eating.

Yoongi is eating meat with khichri. You are eating nun with chicken. You didn't take khichri. You doesn't want to eat this morning with your hands.

After eating with meat, yoongi picked up a little amount of mango pickle on his plate. Mixed it with khichri, took it in his mouth and held the second morsel in front of your mouth and said slowly,
"Y/niee, eat it, you will like it."

You opened your mouth a little. When yoongi feed you, you ate quietly and opened your mouth again. Yoongi smiled. He didn't eat anymore. After a while, he started to feed you little by little. Even though everyone was busy laughing and talking with each other, your grandpa did not miss the whole thing. He noticed the faint smile on the corner of yoongi's lips with a deep look. Then he tilted his head and smiled and concentrated on eating quietly.

~to be continued~
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