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After putting on the ring, everyone smiled sweetly. It is clear from their conversation that everyone knew about the engagement. Except you.

Your situation is worst. You can't raise your eyes because of great shyness. What a suffocating situation. It was not difficult to understand that all this was done by the man sitting next to you. After listening to your father's words last night, you had some guesses. But you never thought that the engagement would happen so soon.

Lee Dohyun's face can't be looked at because of the flash of smile. His happiness seems to be overflowing.

After Mrs. Min, yoongi's father put his hand on your head and said,
"You both will get married after your final exam. Yoongi doesn't want to get married before your exams. Do you understand?"

You didn't look up. You just nodded. Why isn't anyone asking me to leave from here? Oh God!

After a while, his mother took you to your room, as yoongi understood your situation. The most surprising thing was that no one teased you about this. Namjoon, Taehyung, Jimin and even Chaewon are normal. It is as if they have been given strict orders so that you are not disturbed in any way, you are not put into discomfort.


You are lying on the left side of the bed. There is no sleepiness in your eyes. In the blue dim light in your room, the ring is shining on your ring finger of your left hand. Taking your hand in front of your eyes, you are looking at the ring blankly, you are trying to capture that special moment. The corner of your eyes is still sparkling with tears.

Yoongi really made you wear this ring? How suddenly your latent undisclosed love was revealed to everyone? Not only the manifestation, but also the first stage of attaining absolute perfection was passed in an instant.

Is life so easy? Is everything so unfettered? For some people, yes. For others, maybe no.

However, this man will probably never allow obstacles and ups and downs to be created in your life. Even if the storm blows over him, he will always keep your under his broad chest.

The vibration of your phone broke the thread of your thoughts. You frowned and touched the side of the pillow. Taking the phone in hand and seeing the name
"Him ❤️" on the screen, your heart skipped a beat. The ringing cut off after a while. As soon as the vibration stopped, you took a deep breath. You bit your lip and immediately sat up. As seconds passed, the phone began to vibrate again. You received the call this time. Now I'm sure I'll be scolded. Before answering the call and saying sorry, yoongi said in a soft voice from the other side,
"Come out."

You remained silent for a few moments. Then you lowered your voice and whispered,

Only the sound of breathing was heard from the other side. You didn't have the courage to say anything in return. You took a look at the sleeping girl beside you and said while getting down from the bed.
"I'm coming".

As soon as you said I'm coming, the phone hung up on the other side. Taking a short breath, you placed the phone on the bed and ran your hands through your messy hair and tied your hair in messy bun. You came out quietly with the dupatta wrapped around your body.


In the balcony, the wind was cold and refreshing. As soon as the first gust of wind touched your warm body, you got goosebumps. Looking around, you saw him holding the railing and looking at the sky. Wrapping the white cotton dupatta around you, you slowly walked forward and stood next to him.

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