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'Autumn' means the beautiful beauty of nature lying on the chest of the dawn. The beauty of the blue and white environment is surrounded by the warmth of the beauty. The one who responds to her call will be surrounded by the beauty of the white flowers.

It has been two days since they returned back. They were supposed to return last Saturday but did not return due to your engagement that evening. However, the next day at noon, they left on their way back.

Jimin has classes, besides, yoongi has urgent work at office, so they returned in a hurry.

After coming back, you are stuck in the previous routine again. Going to college regularly, busy with studies. Your 3rd year final exam time is approaching. Some class test will start again after a few days.


You sat down to write your assignment since the afternoon. The evening passed before your writing was finished. Your hand is paining due to writing for long. The skin of your index finger is red.

After arranging your notebooks, you lay down on the bed and took your phone. As soon as you turned on the data, you are immediately annoyed by the sound of notifications.

Chaewon sent a few pictures on WhatsApp. Along with a couple of messages. You frowned.

As soon as you clicked from the notification bar out of curiosity, a smile appeared on your face. You quickly sat up on the bed.

Some pictures of the moment of wearing the ring that day. You did not notice when they were taken.

Moving one picture after another, suddenly your eyes got stuck in a picture. You zoomed in the picture with two fingers.

Your head was lowered and were slipping the ring on yoongi's finger. And he was looking at your face with a charming smile.

Although the picture is taken from the front, you can't see your face. Your hairs are covering your face. That's where yoongi is looking at with a amusing look.

You smiled alone. Saved the picture and looked at Chaewon's messages. She wrote,

'Yoongi oppa asked me to send you the pictures.',

'Tell him you got the pictures.. otherwise he will scold me.'

You laughed after reading her messages. You wrote, 'Well, I will tell him.'

The soft, cool drizzle of autumn had fallen an hour ago. Standing by the railing on the left side of the balcony, you are looking with a calm gaze on the pitch black road washed by the fresh rain water.

Messy braids in your long hair. Raindrops are falling on your face. Wetting your lips. Cheeks are getting wet. You are wiping the cold water droplets with the back of your hand.

Even though you are standing here for no reason, your subconscious mind was always looking for a person on the road.

You turned your head and looked at the clock. The time of yoongi's arrival has passed long ago. Why he is not returning?

Suddenly worry filled your head. Is there any danger to him in the midst of this heavy rain? Immediately you thought again, he will come by car. Rain should not be a special problem.

However, as the thought did not go away, you immediately brought your phone from the room and dialed his number. The call ended on the first ring.

You smiled. You knows Yoongi will call you himself now. This is always the case. When you calls, Yoongi hangs up and calls you himself. You don't know why he do that.

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