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After sitting with her father and talking for hours that evening, Fatima was feeling a bit more at ease. She knew that the day would come, but for now, her father and aunt were doing an excellent job caring for her mother. Her father basically forbade her from moving south unless he called for her. They talked about everything on that swing from work to Seven and even talked about Zac. Her father was over the moon with joy to hear that Fatima was deciding to date again. He loved his daughter and wanted her to experience a love bigger than that of her child. Fatima's father told her that he could not see life without the love that came from his wife and that included her sickest of days. She promised her father that she would give love a try with an open heart this time and he believed her. They stayed on that porch enjoying one another until Lilian called Fatima and invited her out for drinks. Lilian and Fatima first met on group hike at a wellness retreat, but she lived in Georgia. They'd hit it off instantly and kept in touch after the trip. They'd gone on plenty of trips together over the years and formed a friendship. So when Lilian found out Fatima was in her town, she knew they had to get together. Fatima almost rejected the offer to go out, but Lilian had an incredible way of making it hard for people to say no to her, so they ended up at a popular after work spot right in the heart of Atlanta.

"Girl! I am mad at you!!! Why did I have to find out you were here from IG?" Lilian said being her usual loud self as Fatima made her way to where she was already waiting.

"I'm sorry babe. It was a last-minute thing. I had to come check on my parents." Fatima said kissing Lillian on the check as they took their seats at the bar.

"Drink this." Lilian pushed a pink shot in front of Fatima.

"what's this?" Fatima said raising the drink about to down it.

"He said it's called the pinkest pussy. It's so good! I've already had three waiting on you."

Fatima threw the shot back like a pro. "Mmmm. That was good." She said savoring the sweetness of the shot.

"Four more please!" Lilian called out

"Four?!?! Absolutely not! I have a flight to catch in the morning.

"Oh Don't be a prude!" Lilian said to Fatima as she waved down the bartender again.

Fatima's tilted head and stare let Lilian know that she wasn't budging. When the bartender finally made his way to Lilian, she settled for two more pink shots and two lychee martinis.

"So, how are your parents? Everything ok?" Lilian asked making small talk.

Fatima smiled at the thought of them. Seeing them really put her in a great headspace. It was as though a weight had been lifted off her chest and it was finally easy to breathe. "Yea, they're good."

"That's good. So how are things with you and Zac?"

"You thought that was smooth, didn't you?" Fatima rolled her eyes playfully at her friend."

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