First Year Chapter One: The Letter Arrives

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The weather was rather gloomy that day in July. Harsh rain showers splattered the panes of the glass windows, while strong gusts of wind swept through the grounds. (Y/N) was awoken rather early this morning, and was greeted with a pale grey sky full of dark, stormy clouds rather than the clear blue that she had become accustomed to over the summer holidays.

Summer had truly arrived, she supposed, when you woke up to brutal summer storms. But that was no matter. For (Y/N), she didn't look forward to this summer because of the expectation of delicate weather. Instead, she was waiting for a special piece of post to arrive.

Already being awoken by the storm, (Y/N) decided to get a headstart on her morning routine, which, these days, mostly consisted of waiting by the windows in the drawing room, looking for any sign of an owl carrying her letter from Hogwarts.

Like her mother, (Y/N) had started showing signs of being a magical prodigy at a young age. By the age of three, she had begun to magically splash her victims with water any time they annoyed her, her father being a constant victim of this, and by the age of 6, she had been able to turn the family cat, Charlie, different colors as she pleased, much to the displeasure of the cat.

Ever since her 11th birthday came and passed, (Y/N) had waited expectantly for her Hogwarts letter to arrive. As (Y/N) continued to wait, rather impatiently, by the window, she heard the unmistakable rumble of her father's footsteps as he made his way to the kitchen for breakfast.

Anthony Barnet was a rather tall man with a commanding presence. As the last living descendant of one of the oldest pureblood wizarding families, he had inherited an immense amount of wealth that clearly showed in not only his clothing but the way that he carried himself. However, Mr. Barnet was, by no means, a spiteful and arrogant man.

Following in her father's footsteps, (Y/N) discovered that her mother had woken early as well, and was already in the kitchen finishing breakfast. Felicity Barnet was quite short compared to her husband, but still carried the same commanding presence. Although she was quite kind, anyone who knew her well knew she could have a nasty temper, which, perhaps unfortunately, was passed onto her daughter.

Mrs. Barnet handed a large plate of breakfast to her husband, who swiftly kissed her cheek in thanks before taking his seat at the head of the table. (Y/N) and her mother sat down shortly after on either side of him.

"I'd best head into work then," said Mr. Barnet, standing swiftly from his seat at the table, "We've got a big case on our hands, and, I hate to say it, but the teams useless without me."

"What time will you be back?" asked Mrs. Barnet, "We're meant to have dinner with the Weasleys tonight. Remember?"

"Don't worry. I'll be back by then, and we can head over to the Burrow together."

With that, he quickly grabbed his cloak, kissed his wife and daughter goodbye, and apparated out of the house.

Shortly after, (Y/N)'s mother looked towards the large grandfather clock in the dining room to check the time.

"I suppose I'd better get ready to head out as well," said Mrs. Barnet before looking at her daughter, "Will you be fine on your own, love? Or do you want me to send you over to the Weasleys early? I'm sure Molly wouldn't mind."

"I'll be fine here on my own Mum," (Y/N) replied quickly, "Besides, I don't want to miss my Hogwarts letter. It's coming today. I can feel it."

Mrs. Barnet planted a kiss on (Y/N)'s forehead.

"Your father and I will be back shortly before dinner. Maybe Ron will have gotten his letter by tonight as well. You can ask him at dinner."
After exchanging a quick goodbye, Mrs. Barnet also apparated out of the house, leaving (Y/N) in the dining room alone. After sitting in her own company for a while, (Y/N) decided to busy herself with cleaning the kitchen while waiting for her letter to arrive.

After a few hours slowly crept by, (Y/N) began to feel a sting of loneliness clawing at her chest. Perhaps she should have let her mother drop her off with the Weasleys that morning. At least then she would have had 5 god siblings to keep her company, rather than resorting to mindless household chores to pass the time.

(Y/N) was always jealous of the Weasleys, in a way. Although she loved her parents dearly, she often wished for a large family, like the Weasleys, with several siblings, and a mother who stayed home to care for them.

Although she often wished her parents were able to stay home with her more often, (Y/N) understood the importance of their jobs in the Ministry of Magic. Her father was an auror, a dark wizard catcher, and spent many nights working overtime late into the night before returning to work early the next morning. Her mother, on the other hand, worked for the Department of Magical Transportation as part of the Floo Network Authority. (Y/N) appreciated their hard work to maintain order in the wizarding world, but she sometimes wished that they didn't have to spend so much time away from her.

Heaving a great sigh, (Y/N) returned to the large grandfather clock in the dining room to check how much time had passed. She swore to herself after discovering that it had only been three measly hours. She was entirely ready to start banging her head against the wall to make the time pass faster when she heard an urgent rapping on the window.

(Y/N) practically ran to the window to free the owl from the stormy weather outside. The owl chirped in a rather annoyed manner, likely from having to make a delivery in such harsh weather, before sticking out its leg, allowing (Y/N) to quickly untie the letter.

After (Y/N) took the letter, the owl shook its feathers, rather haughtily, before taking off into the stormy summer sky. After watching the owl fly off into the distance, (Y/N) quickly pulled the letter out of the envelope and began to read:


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Barnet,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall,

Deputy Headmistress

As her eyes scanned the last few words on the bottom of the parchment, (Y/N) was a ball of excitement and nerves.

She had always known the day would come when she received her letter offering her a place at Hogwarts. But now, it was real, and the thought almost terrified her. Apart from the Weasleys she had never been around any witches or wizards her age. But now, come the first of September, she was to live in a castle full of them. She could only hope that she and Ron would remain friends throughout their years at Hogwarts.

Several hours later, (Y/N) heard a familiar cracking noise coming from the kitchen, meaning her parents had returned home from work.

She quickly ran to the kitchen, letter in hand. When she arrived, her mother was reading a letter by the window, presumably from the Weasleys, as their owl, Errol was perched on the windowsill. Her father was reading the letter over her mother's shoulder but looked up with wide eyes when (Y/N) entered the room.

"Your letter," he said, taking it to examine it himself, "How long ago did it arrive?"

"Early this afternoon," said (Y/N) "Did Ron get his too? Mrs. Weasley sent over Errol?"

"Yes. Ron's letter came this afternoon as well. Poor thing," said Mrs. Barnet, looking at Errol, "We should take the poor owl with us to the Burrow. I'm not sure he could survive another trip in this weather."

"Right you are dearest," said Mr. Barnet as he approached his wife, "Floo powder, I presume?"

"Naturally," she replied, as the family approached the fireplace in the next room.

"You first, love," said Mr. Barnet as (Y/N) stepped into the fireplace.

(Y/N) had always hated traveling by the floo network. Although convenient, she could never get over the unpleasant squeezing sensation.

(Y/N) grabbed a fistful of floo powder from the pot in her father's outstretched hand before loudly, and clearly announcing her destination.

"The Burrow!"

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