First Year Chapter 3: The Hogwarts Express

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The morning of the first of September, (Y/N) woke up early. Much earlier than usual.

She had barely slept the night before, as she was a bundle of nerves. (Y/N) was rather impatient in the weeks that followed her trip to Diagon Alley, eagerly waiting for the first of September, and counting down the days until she could go to Hogwarts at last. However, she realized, as the day had grown steadily nearer, she had begun to experience a feeling of dread.

Although she had spent her entire life anxiously awaiting the day she would arrive at Hogwarts, it suddenly felt all too real.

When (Y/N) walked into the kitchen to help herself to breakfast before the trip to King's Cross Station, both of her parents were already there, dressed in their muggle best. Her father, she realized, was wearing a blue dress shirt, which matched the jumper that she had chosen to wear that morning.

It was an unusual occurrence, (Y/N) thought, having her family together at the same time in the morning. Her father was often at the auror office in the Ministry before they woke up, and her mother would leave for work soon after. With a jolt, (Y/N) realized how much she would miss these rare moments while she was away at Hogwarts for the year.

(Y/N) was brought back to the present when her mother placed a steaming plate of breakfast in front of her, before taking her seat at the table. There were no sounds, apart from the occasional scratch of silverware against the glass plated, until (Y/N)'s father broke the silence.

"We ought to be off soon if we're meeting Molly and Arthur at the station. It's nearly ten."

"Right, you are, dear," said her mother, "(Y/N), dear, grab your trunk from upstairs, please. We don't want to miss the train!"

(Y/N) nodded before rushing back up the stairs to her bedroom. As she quickly latched her trunk shut, she was suddenly reminded that she would not be back to her room at least until Christmas. She allowed herself a few more moments to properly say goodbye, before swiftly exiting the room, taking her trunk along with her.

(Y/N) had forgotten how absolutely massive King's Cross was until she arrived at the station. She had been to the station several times before to watch all five of the eldest Weasley brothers get sent off to Hogwarts. But now, perhaps because of nerves, it suddenly felt overwhelming and chaotic.

"Look for any sign of the Weasleys," called (Y/N)'s mother from the front of the group, "Molly said they would be here by now."

(Y/N)'s vision floated across the sea of people before settling on a large group of people, all with flaming red hair.

"There they are!" said (Y/N), pointing, "Just up ahead!"

(Y/N) adjusted her grip on the trolly before following her parents through the busy station.

"(Y/N),dear," said Mrs. Weasley as they approached, "Always lovely to see you of course."

Mrs. Weasley kissed her on the cheek before moving to greet her parents.

"Do we get a kiss too, (Y/N)?" called Fred.

"Or does mum get special treatment?" finished George.

"Shut it you two. It's too early in the morning for your antics." (Y/N) said bossily before turning to Ron.

"Ready for our first year at Hogwarts?" she asked.

"Don't have much of a choice, do I?" he said with a laugh, "How about you."

"About the same I suppose. I'm a bit nervous about the sorting if I'm being honest."

"Hurry up you two!" called Mrs. Weasley, as the group had already moved several feet ahead during their short conversation, "We can't afford to spit up. The whole place is packed with muggles, of course. Now, what's the platform number?"

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