First Year Chapter 2: The Weasleys and Diagon Alley

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As (Y/N) stepped out of the fireplace at the burrow, she quickly dusted off the black soot that had collected in a thin layer atop her trousers.

She really hated traveling by floo.

When (Y/N) finished dusting herself off, she was immediately met with the face of her childhood best friend.

"You lot are here earlier than we expected. Mum still isn't finished with dinner yet."

Ron hadn't changed at all since she had last seen him, which, at this point, was several months ago. He still has the same fiery red hair, gangly arms and legs, and a copious amount of freckles.

"Mum was in a rush to get here once she found out you got your letter," said (Y/N), "Which reminds me, we've got your owl."

As though (Y/N) herself had summoned them, her parents appeared at the Burrow and stepped out of the fireplace.

"I've always hated traveling by floo," said Mrs. Barnet before handing Errol to Ron, "Take him for me will you? I'll never understand why Molly insists on sending him out in this kind of weather. He's much too old."

"Useless old lump," said Ron, placing Errol back in the cage, "What's the point of having an owl if it can't even finish one delivery before basically passing out."

"He was flying in really nasty weather, Ron," argued (Y/N), "That would be rough on any owl."

"She's right, Ron. Stop picking on poor Errol," said a familiar voice.

Fred, (Y/N) assumed.

"Yeah, Ron. How would you like to be the one making deliveries in this weather," came George's voice, "Come to think of it, I do need to practice my charms work. I could practice on you."

Ron's ears turned an angry shade of red.

"Come off it," said Ron, "I know you two can't do magic outside of school. Besides, I'm going to Hogwarts this year too. I'll show you--"

"Show us what Ron? Your hidden magical prowess?" said Fred.

Ron made a very foul hand gesture at Fred, which was, unfortunately, seen by his mother.

"Ron!" she said sternly, "Don't you ever let me see you doing that again!"

Ron grumbled darkly under his breath as Mrs. Weasley moved forward to greet (Y/N).

"We weren't expecting you so early, dear, or else dinner would have already been served," said Mrs. Weasley, pulling (Y/N) into a tight hug, "I heard you've gotten your Hogwarts letter. You're excited, I expect?"

"Of course," said (Y/N), "Excited, and a bit nervous I suppose."

"That's to be expected. Ron's a bit nervous too. My best years were at Hogwarts. I expect yours will be too."

With that, she left the room, instructing Fred and George to set the table for dinner on her way to the kitchen.

"We might as well help out," said Ron, "We'll be able to eat faster that way."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes in amusement.

"All you can ever think about is food.

(Y/N) forgot how good Mrs. Weasley's cooking was. Dinner was comprised of a large spread that covered nearly the entire table. About halfway through dinner, Mr. Weasley had finally arrived at the Burrow.

"Sorry all, got held up at the office," he said, before taking his place at the dinner table, "Everything looks wonderful Molly."

"I was under the impression that you would be on time for dinner tonight, Arthur," she scolded, "Especially since we have guests."

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