{ #1 }

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{ Charlotte's pov }

I shut the door quietly, not wanting to wake my husband. Though, the house smells odd? It smells like perfume, but not the perfume I used earlier before going to the pub with Marjorie and autumn.. it smells like roses mixed with vanilla, not sure if I find it disgusting or nice. I also notice some lit candles, though, it's odd, we got rid of our candles since my youngest (4) almost burnt down the whole house cause of a candle. What is going on? I wander upstairs, making sure to be light with my footsteps, before hearing too recognisable voices. My 'loving' husbands, and my sisters. What the fuck. That's not normal, I pick up a disgusting smell, a smell me and him had smelt once or twice before. I step towards the bedroom door, placing my handbag on a banister at the top of the stairs. Is he... doing THAT. WITH MY SISTER?!

I open the door, and glare at the bed, and ofcourse, I was right. Tears start to swell in my eyes and I yell, no, scream at the pair. How couldn't I?! I walked in on my SISTER AND HUSBAND going at it?! I have a right!!

"Get out of my house!!"I screech, almost giving myself a headache. "Char i can explain!!" He gets in before I slap him. Hard, across the face "get. Out" he nods, I look away as they dress. God I don't even want to look at them! I smirk a bit as they leave. Slamming the door, I sigh. Not sure if it's our of relief. It should be, right? Though it's weird. I've spent so much time with him and he goes and does this!!

Though, I can't help but crumble to the ground. Feeling as if the world is closing around me, my ears ring as I sob. Loud and hard.

{ Marjorie's pov }

" 'Ello love?" I hum over the phone, it's odd Charlotte is only now calling. Her shift started about 10 minutes ago, she's probably just busy with the kids and is letting me know. Though, I freeze slightly as I hear faint sobs "Charlotte, you a'right?" I say, narrowing my eyes a bit. I feel autumn's piercing eyes shoot at me, "what's up with her?" Autumn asks me, her tone in voice not sounding concerned one little bit. I gasp at Charlotte's statement over the phone, how could he do that? I don't reply to autumn, and listen as Charlotte rants about it. "Well you can have some time off char till you feel better, hope you can recover from this. Just know us all at the nursery is here for ya alright? Alright, see you when you're next in" I sigh, putting the phone back in its place. "So, are you going to answer me?" Autumn asks, her voice sounding slightly threatening. I turn to her, sighing quietly to myself "Charlotte's husband has cheated on her, she found out the night we went out for some drinks and she still needs some time to cope and recover" I mumble, slightly suprised at the very noticeable look of empathy autumn has. "I do hope she can recover" she nods, before turning back to her computer.

She is confusing sometimes..

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