Chapter 03

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The school week came and went pretty slowly. More often than not I found myself daydreaming about magic that I couldn't recall most of the content that the teachers were trying to teach about. With how important my weekend was going to be, nothing else seemed to matter. Today, though, there was only one class I couldn't just zone off in and it was P.E. of all things.

I'm not the most enthusiastic student in gym and I usually preferred to spend my time sitting on the benches with Benji since, though we had different coaches, we shared the same P.E. period. My school required us to have two years of physical fitness, and I was eager to get my final year over with so I could just spend more time in the band room playing my guitar. In order to do that I had to pass the class. That didn't mean I had to put the most effort into it, though.

After dressing out, I sat with my class on the gym floor to prepare for attendance and did my usual wave to Benji who was sitting across the room with his own class. My teacher, Coach O'Leary, was talking to the other teachers as he made his way toward my class. He, like the rest of us, was also dressed out in his gym attire - a white shirt decorated with a raven mascot and navy shorts. Compared to the other teachers, though, he was incredibly fit. More than likely he spent his time after school in the weight room rather than grading papers.

Following the coaches were a group of students that split off into pairs - two going with Coach O'Leary and the other two to Benji's class. The two that came toward my class I didn't recognize when I first saw them, but as soon as they got closer it was easy to figure out they were from the football team. Unlike us, they were dressed in navy football jerseys with differing numbers and their names on the back along with white shorts.

Jake O'Leary stood next to his father wearing a smug grin on his face and holding on to several papers. He was about the same height as Coach, sporting a buzzcut that I thought made his blonde hair look like it was growing like a chia pet. I knew better than to laugh though, as Jake was a notorious hot head that had enough detentions for beating up other kids. It was a miracle he was still allowed to play on the football team.

The other guy was none other than the star quarterback himself, Ruari Grey. If Jake was intimidating looking, Ruari took the cake. Unlike his friend who was smiling, he had a rather stoic expression on his face. His auburn hair was cut short in a nice ivy-league style, and his jersey looked as if it was barely containing the muscle underneath. A light stubble was growing on his square face that gave him a gruff look which only added more to his intimidating aura. His green eyes glanced around at the students sitting on the gym floor, whispers as to what was going on with today's lesson fluttering about.

When his eyes landed on me I felt my breath hitch in my throat. For a moment it was as if time had slowed down and all that was there was me and him. It was like his green eyes were boring into me, examining me. My heart fluttered for a moment, not missing the fact that despite his intimidating demeanor he was a very attractive guy and I found it difficult to look away from him. His eyes squinted slightly, as if there was something about me that caught his attention, a smirk slowly growing on his face. But I didn't know what to do next. Do I continue to meet his gaze? Do I give him a smile back? Do I look away?

Whatever my choices were didn't matter for long as just as quickly as our eyes met he looked back towards Coach. Obviously I was the only one who must have been having a moment and it meant nothing to him. That was just fine, anyway. It's not like the hottest guy on campus would be interested in average ole me anyway. He was also a Greywood Forest guy, like Jake, so he probably was stuck up like the rest of those people anyway. I just had to remember... biceps equals douchebag.

"Alright, everyone," Coach O'Leary started after he took roll. "As you may have noticed, two of our football players are here today with us for class. This is because our annual fitnessgram testing will be coming up soon."

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