Chapter 07

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It's around ten in the evening when I am confident enough to slip out of the cabin. There's little to no light outside with the moon covered behind clouds, but I don't want to risk being caught using mage lights close to where my parents could see. It's much colder out tonight and I'm glad that I decided on my dark hoodie. It keeps me warm while doubling as a form of camouflage in the night. The ground is still wet from the rains, and even though my sneakers squelch on contact with the dirt, Bleddyn's form walks effortlessly over it all, leaving no paw prints behind.

He leads me behind a few other dark cabins, vacant due to a mix of the season and weather, before we reach the tree line. I gulp nervously when I see just how dark it is under the canopy of leaves.

"Just how far do we need to go?" I ask, finally wondering if going out is such a good idea. But if it meant getting my second focus I would have to commit.

Far enough to avoid prying eyes, Bleddyn comforts.

Good. That shouldn't be too far then.

I watch as he scampers into the woods and I trudge carefully after him. He made running in look so easy while I had to worry about twigs hitting my face as well as underbrush scratching at my jeans. Within a few minutes they're already soaked and I curse under my breath at how uncomfortable it was making the hike.

It's still dark but I find my eyes are starting to adjust to it. The further we went on, the easier it was to make out the outlines of the forest. Keeping my attention to the white fur in front of me helps as we continue deeper into the woods. Whatever was happening, though, I was glad for it. It certainly made wading through less tedious than it was minutes before. Especially without a magelight.

Not only my sight, but my hearing is adapting better also. The silence of the wood, I learn, is actually more alive than it lets on. My ears pick up the heartbeat of mice scurrying underfoot, as well as two deer further to my left, hesitant to make any moves. I'm able to pick out their location and a rough estimate of their distance. I'm not sure how I know, but I just do.

After what feels like half an hour I begin to wonder just how much further we need to go. "Just how much longer?" I finally ask once many more minutes pass.

Not much longer now, the wolf answers, pausing a moment to look up at the sky. Moonlight was starting to peer through the clouds as the sky began to clear up.

Some light filters through the tree cover and I feel a tingling sensation where it hits the skin on my face. It isn't entirely unpleasant and I find myself wanting to bask in the light. That's ... a weird thing to want. But I remember my mother's story again about the pyromancer friend and I wonder if this is related to those feelings of my focus starting to settle.

We finally hit a small clearing in the woods just as the moon is once again covered up in a cloud. I sigh, missing the feeling on my skin. Bleddyn makes for a rock face that sits at the center of the clearing and turns to me, ushering me closer.

This looks to be a good spot. Are you able to ward it to keep you safe?

I knit my brows together, stumbling clumsily through the tall grass. "Why do I need wards?"

To keep you safe from critters who may want to come in.

"Isn't that what you're for?"

Remember that no one can see or hear me? The animals aren't aware of my presence.

I groan. "What kind of familiar are you if no one is able to see or hear you? Doesn't that make you kind of useless?"

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