Chapter 10

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The force of the impact dazes me. Stars are flying around and my vision blurs. I want to vomit but I'm not given the chance as I'm lifted up once more to receive another punch in the face. I can feel the right side of my face throbbing and the likelihood I'm going to get a black eye is high.

He throws me back on the ground and I stumble onto my side. My chest seizes as he throws a few kicks into my ribs, causing me to try and curl up and defend myself.

"Jake, maybe we should just drag him to see Alpha?" I heard the other guy say. "We don't need to beat him up. He seems harmless enough."

"Shut up, Evan," Jake hisses, taking a break from his assault. "You know what we do to rogues."

"Yeah, well he really seems to not know what's going on."

"Sure he does. I bet if we keep interrogating him he'll finally give away his secrets," he sneers and turns back to me.

Once again I'm dragged up from my position and thrust against the wall. Thankfully Jake hasn't pressed my back against the air dryer again, but I'm fully aware that I'm in a really bad spot either way.

Nah, you think?

I gasp for a moment at Bleddyn's sudden intrusion which only makes Jake scowl more at me. There's no way for me to talk to my familiar in front of these guys. It would draw too much attention to myself despite the amounts I'm getting now. And it would be for even worse reasons.

"I'll ask you again, rogue! How did you sneak into our territory?"

My eyes dart from him to Evan. The other boy just shrugs as if there's nothing else he can do and that he's in no hurry to help me out.

Fuck him. And fuck Jake, too! I need to find a way out of this. And the longer this goes on the more using magic is starting to sound appealing.

Be careful, Ky, cautions Bleddyn in my head. These two really mean to harm you.

No shit, I think. My mind is racing in ways I can use a spell discreetly. A way for them to think I did something naturally and not through preternatural means.

Just answer his questions for now. Keep telling them the truth.

Jake shoves me against the wall once more and spits out at me. "You're really testing my patience, rogue! How did you sneak in here?"

"I told you," I say through gritted teeth. There's a metallic taste in my mouth and I realize I'm probably bleeding. "I've always been here. You can check the school rosters and attendance. I didn't sneak anywhere!"

"Not good enough, little rogue! How did we never scent you before?"

There's the mention of my scent again. Did I really smell that peculiar? "Why is everyone so interested in how I smell today?" I demand.

My request is once again answered with a fist. I'm starting to get dizzy and my eyesight is blurring really bad. I retch and end up spitting blood onto the floor.

"Jake, that's enough!" Evan cries out and pulls his friend off of me. "Like I said, I can tell he's not lying. We should just bring him to alpha."

I glare back at Jake and the two of us make eye contact briefly. As I do, I see his eyes flash gold for a moment and I gasp. In the back of my mind I feel Bleddyn stiffen as he whispers, werewolf. Realization takes a bit to settle as I'm thrown back at the wall and crumple to the floor. Jake is pacing by the sinks now and Evan looks nervous about the whole thing.

"'re a werewolf," I whisper. I think I'm saying it under my breath but apparently both boys hear me. I see Evan's face shift into a tight frown, eyes now flashing gold as well, while Jake just gives a smug smile.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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