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As Ichika awoke from his slumber he was overtaken by an intense pain similar to the one in his dream causing him to fall out of his bed. As he tried to push himself up he felt a wave of nausea come over him causing him to throw up what little he had left in his stomach. When he finally got the strength to stand up he started to walk as quickly as he could to his dorm restroom. He pushed through the door almost falling over as he did so as he rushed to the sink. By the time he got to the sink the pain had calmed down from the intense burning sensation to a manageable amount where he could think properly. Ichika turned on the cold water and quickly cupped his hands and threw the water on his face as a miserable attempt to ease his discomfort. As he looked up from the sink he looked at the disheveled form that looked back at him. He could only feel disgusted with himself, his weakness that he felt had completely overtaken him and his image. When did he start feeling like this, when did he start feeling disgusted by his own reflection, when did he start seeing himself as such a failure.

As Ichika walked out of the restroom he noticed that it was 4:00 am and seeing that he was probably not going to be able to sleep again Ichika got dressed for class. While he was putting on his sleeves he noticed a strange mark barely visible underneath his I.S. As Ichika removed his bracelet he noticed the same eye symbol on his wrist right where the Old man stabbed him. However, unlike the symbols on the flash drive or the banners this eye seemed to be closed shut. Ichika itched his arm trying to see if it would wash up but to no one's surprise, it didn't come off. He decided that he would deal with this later and with that, he finished putting on his uniform and put back on his I.S. trying his best to cover his mark, and left. He knew that right now there wasn't much to do the cafeteria wouldn't be open for another hour or so and since mostly everyone was not up he decided to head to the arena. Usually, people were not allowed to use the arena at this time let alone be allowed to walk around the school grounds but due to him having his own personal I.S. he was allowed to however this was probably the only time he could recall him using this privilege this early. As he walked out of his dorm building and to the arena he walked by his teacher Miss Yamada most likely walking to the classroom to prepare. As they got closer Maya noticed Ichika and stopped.

Maya Yamada: Good morning Orimura It's pretty strange to see you up this early.

Ichika: Hello Miss Yamada. I wasn't able to get back to sleep so I decided to go and do some training in the area.

Maya: Oh I see well it's good seeing you trying to better yourself.

Ichika: Y..ya thanks Miss Yamada. Oh before I go can you tell Chifu.. Miss Orimura that I wanted to talk to her when she got the chance.

Maya: Oh I'm sorry but she's no longer on campus she just left.

Ichika: Oh Really do you know when she will be back?

Maya: can't say when she and the other pilots left a bit ago on a mission.

Ichika: Oh really

Maya: Actually if I think about it I believe that you're probably the only personal I.S User left on campus.

Maya's words stuck a nerve for Ichika leaving him feeling a plethora of unpleasant emotions. he knew that he wasn't that strong compared to his classmates but to hear that he was the only pilot to not be put on the mission really hurt him and Maya could tell.

Even though Ichika tried his best to hide his feelings from her she could tell something was wrong.

Maya:(In a sympathetic tone) Ichika don't beat yourself over this just because you're behind the others.

Ichika:(in a sadder tone) I know it's just really hard when all my peers around you seem to be improving while you don't.

Maya: Your Peers have been training and piloting I.S.s for years with entire governments backing them up while you haven't even piloted one for a whole year yet.

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