New Suit New You

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Nervous if you were to ask Ichika to describe how he was feeling in one word that would be his answer. He was waiting for his new I.S to be brought to the hanger while his mind was being overrun with this new sense of nervousness. He was also nervous when he used the Byakushiki for the first time but somehow this was different. When he first flew Byakushiki it was during a duel between Cecilia at the time he was also nervous but not like this. that nervousness was more of a worried type feeling the same type that you would get while doing a test but this wasn't like that at all.
             This was more akin to the feeling of waiting for your turn to ride a rollercoaster. Wait no this wasn't worry at all he was excited not worried. This realization about his feeling shocked him he couldn't remember the last time he was actually excited about anything. as he got more and more excited about this new machine than. He was also very confused by his emotions around the situation. He had never once ever felt this feeling when using his old I.S. Whenever he would use his I.S he felt a sense of urgency that controlled his actions with him worrying about getting hurt or killed. But now for some reason he couldn't help himself from looking forward to it. Ichika soon heard a voice call out to him which snapped him out of his trance as he turned to look at the source. When he turned to face it he saw the doctor walking towards him and Mr. Marino who was holding a briefcase following right beside him.

Doctor: Ichika it's time everything has been set up for you.

As soon as the doctor said that Mr. Marino lift up the briefcase and opened it revealing a gauntlet.

(Like this but replace the yellow with purple)

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(Like this but replace the yellow with purple)

Ichika slowly grabbed the gauntlet and held it in his hand as he looked back down at Byakushiki. As he looked at the white device connected to his wrist he couldn't help but feel a rush of old memories flood into him. He remembered how he helped his friends and the many battles he fought with it but he also couldn't forget all the injuries he had sustained and how he constantly struggled to keep up with the others. Ichika slowly reached down and carefully removed his old I.S then handed it to Mr. Marino.

Mr. Marino: I will make sure to return this to the I.S Academy as soon as possible.

Ichika nodded, then slowly put on the gauntlet. When the gauntlet was finally on he felt a cold sensation run up and down his arm. It wasn't painful at all more along the line of entering an air condition room or holding your hand above an open freezer. After a few seconds the device made a metal locking sound which he presumed that the noise was a signifyer for the device being ready to be used. His assumption was then confirmed when Mr. Marino gave Ichika a nod and a look which told him to test out his new unit. Ichika made his way to the end of the hanger where it opened up to the arena and as he push down the last bit of anxiety that plagued his mind took in a deep breath and shouted.

Ichika: ENGAGE ICARUS!!!!!

Within an instent Ichika was ingoulfed in a deep red light which almost seemed demonic and as the light covered Ichika the sound of metal locking into one another. If the I.S. transformation which many considered elegant this would be seen as horrifying in comparison. After the light faded all that was left was Icarus and with a leap of the metal monstrosity was off. At first glance you would think that the metal cluster would be a slow flier if it was even able to fly all due to its size but the speed was anything but slow. In an instant Icarus was already up in the air and as he flew around the arena at speeds that made his old I.S look like a sloth in comparison. Ichika couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement fill his mind as he soared around the arena. As Ichika was flying around he heard his communication device activate.

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