CHAPTER 14: 抗議

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"See! Look at what they did!" Charlie exclaimed. "Angel was selfless, he stopped Niffty from stealing, and he stuck it to that moth man! And Kasha, well you saw what he did! He's been that way the whole time I've known him!"

Adam touched his pointer fingers together as he gritted his teeth.

"Uh... well..." Adam stammered. "Well, why are they in Hell then?"

The angels began looking at each other and debating something... it couldn't be...

"Wait... none of you know what gets someone into Heaven?"

"This questioning stops now." Sera interjected. "We know when a soul arrives. We know when they pass divine judgment. It is our job to ensure these souls are safe."

"So it's okay if someone like Kasha gets sent to Hell?!"

"Well, if he's been such a good person," Adam said as he wagged his finger at Charlie. "Then what's he doing there to begin with? What'd he do?"

"Kasha didn't do anything to deserve a place in Hell." Charlie blurted. Vaggie came out of a corner and slowly walked back to Charlie.

"Why are you getting so defensive?" Adam smirked and glanced as Sera. "Afraid of the answer?"

"Answer the question, Princess Morningstar." Sera looked at Charlie expectantly.

"He... He worships a different set of gods." Charlie said, glaring at Adam. "But that shouldn't exclude someone from Heaven."

"Present tense? As in, he still does it?" Adam stood up. "So he gets sent to Hell for breaking the first of the Ten Commandments, and he's STILL actively doing it? And you think that fucking bastard deserves a place here?!"

"What's wrong with sticking to what you believe in?"

"Well, do you know anything about those fake-ass gods he believes in?"

"They're nothing bad I'm sure!"

"Oh yeah?" Adam glared at Charlie. "Name one of them, bitch."

Charlie rummaged through her brain, trying to remember the names of the gods Kasha had told her earlier. There had to be something in there that was good. One of the names that would work. The one that gave Kasha his fire powers probably wouldn't work. And he didn't say anything about the third one other than that they were a 'patron god' of someone. That left just one.

"Tenjin." Charlie said, glaring straight at Adam. "He called one of them Lord Tenjin."

Adam smiled widely, and Charlie's stomach sunk. That couldn't be good.

"Actually, I think I recognize that name." Adam said. "Tenjin, supposed god of scholarship, right?"

"Yes?" Charlie answered, not sure of what to expect.

"Well, how about I tell you the truth about Tenjin? Because he's no good deity!" Adam flew down to Charlie and pointed a finger in her face. "He's an evil, murderous, and self-centered demon that doesn't care about what happens to the world!"


"Tenjin was a human, and after he died he became a demon who wrecked the living!" As Adam spoke the sphere showed pictures of wilted crops, starving people, sick and dying people, floods, and hurricanes. "He brought the living famines, plagues, and floods, just to name a few."

Charlie and Vaggie's jaws dropped as they stared into the sphere.

"He's killed so many! Innocent people too! Thousands of them, maybe even more!" Adam pushed his face closer to Charlies. "If that Kasha worships this Tenjin as a fuckin' god, then he's no better than the worst demons in Hell."

Charlie still couldn't believe this. Kasha didn't mention anything about this. How could he worship someone who'd done so many horrible things? How could he worship a god who had killed so many people? This didn't sound like the Kasha she knew at all. There had to be more to the story, right? Charlie looked down, trying to think of how to respond. And then, a question hit her.

"How do you know?"

"Uh, what?"

"How do you know this about Tenjin?"

"Bitch, I've met the bastard! He told me himself!" Adam laughed and opened his mouth, clearly about to say something more.

"Adam stop-" Sera called out to try and stop Adam. But he ignored her.

"He gave quite a fight in one of the Exterminations. Nearly killed him too-"

"WAIT!" Emily's voice echoed through the room. "Exterminations? What are you talking about?"

"Shit." Adam took a step away from Charlie.

"Explain yourself, Adam!"

"Guess the cat's out of the bag." Adam shrugged and looked at Emily. "Every year we go down and kill as many sinners as we can."

"What?" Emily shook her head. "It can't be..."

"You didn't know?" Charlie looked at Emily.

"So it's... true?" Emily looked up to Sera. "Sera, tell me you didn't know!"

"It was a hard decision." Sera said as she flew down to meet Emily. "I thought since I'm older I should shoulder the burden."

"Sera..." Emily stepped away from Sera. "How could you? Those are human souls!"

"There must be a reason for this!" One of the other angels called out.

"Reason? What could possibly justify a genocide!" Another screamed.

More and more angels raised their voices as the room erupted into a massive argument. Charlie and Vaggie looked at each other as the voices kept getting louder and louder. The angels were at each other's throats, arguing with each other about whether or not this was all justified.

"Everyone, please." Charlie called out. "I was told not to trust in angels, but I trust tha-"

"By who?" Adam interrupted as he walked up to Vaggie. "Her? Cuz this cunt would know better than anyone."

"Charlie, we should go!"

"What, Vajjie, afraid of the truth?" Adam walked up to the sphere and put his hand on it.

"Adam, please, no!"

"What?" Adam swiped his hand over the sphere. It changed what it was showing, and Charlie now saw a figure. A figure in the black exorcist armor. A figure that looked an awful lot like...

"C'mon, why hide the fact you're an angel just like us?" Adam smiled as he made this revelation, clearly taking pleasure in this.

Charlie looked at Vaggie, her eyes wide. She took a step away from her.

"Vaggie... why didn't you..."

"Charlie, I can explain!"

"ORDER!" Sera's voice boomed through the room. Everyone looked up at her as she kept going until everyone stopped talking. "THERE WILL BE ORDER IN THIS COURT!"

Sera took a deep breath.

"This court finds that there is no evidence sinners can be redeemed."

"What? No!" Charlie called out to Sera.

"BOO-YAH BITCH!" Adam thrust his pelvis forward and raised a fist. "SUCK IT, CUNTS! Cuz when the day comes, we're coming to YOUR HOTEL FIRST."

"NO!" Charlie took a step to Adam, but before she could do anything a portal opened behind them and began pulling them in. When the light went away, Charlie saw herself back in the lobby of the hotel.

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