CHAPTER 16: 取引

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Kasha opened the door to the cafe he'd grown familiar with. He heard the little bell ring as he entered.

"Softie, you're back!" The familiar voice of Hirad called out. "You here for a drink? Or is there something you want from me?"

Kasha threw all the money he had on the table.

"Make me whatever you want. Then let's talk."

"So, there is something you want from me. Interesting." Hirad said as he turned around and started working with the espresso machine. "Can't say I'm surprised though, you seem to always come around when you're in trouble."

"Just tell me what you can do. Aside from being a barista."

"Oh?" Hirad raised an eyebrow as the espresso began coming out of the machine. "What do you need to know that for?"

"There's a big fight coming up."

"I don't know of any big fight coming up, unless you're talking about-" Hirad's eyes widened for a moment as he began mixing milk and sugar into the drink. "Oooohh, I see. The Extermination."

"I knew you were smart."

"And you're more of a dumbfuck than I thought." Hirad said as he slid the finished coffee to Kasha. "Especially if you think I'm going to put my life on the line for some tacky-ass hotel. Death by angelic weapons is permanent, you know. I didn't survive the past 40 years by throwing myself out into danger like that. I'm no fighter."

"Well, if you've survived in this cafe for this long, you've got to know something about how to at least not die." Kasha replied. "So, what's your secret? Are you a coward that hides? Do you know anything about angels? Or is it something else?"

Hirad stared into Kasha's face. Kasha just sipped the admittedly amazing espresso that Hirad had just brewed.

"Are you saying you want me to help you with the Extermination, even if I don't fight?"

Kasha looked Hirad dead in the eyes.

"Like I said, I knew you were smart."

Hirad turned around and scratched his head. Within a moment, he turned back and faced Kasha. His feathers turned white and he spread his wings, which seemed to almost reach both walls.


Other patrons began to grumble as they walked out. Some of them looked like they would walk up to him and deck him. But a single growl from Hirad seemed to put them in their place. Within moments, the entire cafe was empty. Then, Hirad walked up to the door and locked it, turning off all the lights and putting up the 'closed' sign.

"I'm no fighter." Hirad said. "I'm more about subterfuge, deception, and planning."

"That'll still be helpful."

"Angel's prefer to fight with spears, and they're sloppy with their fighting style." Hirad walked back towards the tills and then behind it. He opened the door that Kasha thought led to a kitchen, but instead it was a hallway. "They know they're invincible."

"Well, I need to protect my friends." Kasha walked up to Hirad. "They're coming for the hotel first."

"That's quite the pickle you've got yourself in." Hirad walked into the hallway. "Come with me. I'll do what I can, but it'll cost you."

Kasha followed Hirad as they walked down the pitch-black hall.

"That was all the money I had, but I'll do whatever I can to get you more if you want it."

The sound of a door opening caught Kasha off guard. The next few steps Hirad took sounded like he was walking down some stairs. Kasha nearly fell down them, only being saved by a miraculous grab of the railing.

"It's going to cost you more than that." Hirad replied as he finally reached the bottom of the stairs. "You're asking for a lot more than simple life advice, softie."

He switched a light on, and Kasha froze when he saw it. There was a single desk with a chair and desk on one side, and on the other a large table attached to something that could rotate. The hand and leg cuffs on it made it obvious what it was for. But the thick layer of dust that covered it made it clear that it hadn't been used in quite a while.

"It's been about twenty years since I've last been down here," Hirad said. "Honestly, I didn't think I'd ever be back."

"Hirad, what are you?"

"That's for me to know, and you to NEVER find out." Hirad pulled Kasha down into the room and shoved him onto the chair. "Now, I'm going to assume you know how to kill an invincible angel and aren't just wastin' my time. I can get you a battle plan, but no amount of money is going to make me do it for you."

"What do you want?" Kasha looked into Hirad's eyes with fear.

"You ever heard of a soul deal?

"I'm not selling you my soul."

"No, a deal between souls." Hirad held out his hand. "I'll make you this battle plan, and if you win you have to do something for me in return. And no objecting to my methods. You do what I tell you to."


"It's not a bad deal is it?" Hirad grinned. "You're going to do one small thing for me in the future, and I'll give you the battle plans you need. If you agree, shake my hand. Our souls will be linked in a deal, and neither one of us will be able to back out."

Kasha hesitated, but took a deep breath. The hotel needed to be protected. He didn't want to see Charlie, Vaggie, or anyone else hurt. Especially Charlie. And so, he reached his hand out to meet Hirad's.


Kasha held his breath as he walked up to the hotel's front door. He'd been gone for a lot longer than he thought would be. Hirad's battle plan was a lot more... comprehensive than he thought it would be. Almost like Hirad had experience with this sort of thing. But now wasn't the time for him to dwell on that, he had to get these back to Charlie. So, Kasha knocked on the door.

"Just a moment, a little busy!" Charlie's familiar voice called out as Kasha heard some rustling behind the door. It was a bit longer than it normally took but eventually the door opened, and Kasha saw Charlie's face. "Hello, welcome to the Hazbi- KASHA?!"

"Hey, I'm back."

Charlie rushed up to Kasha and embraced him, forcing the air out of his lungs.

"Ch-Charlie, can't breathe..."

"Oops. Sorry." Charlie let go of Kasha. Vaggie walked up to see Kasha and Charlie.

"Wait, Kasha?!" Vaggie called out. "I thought you'd left for good!"

"I was always going to come back." Kasha laughed. "I mean, didn't I leave Matsu here?"

Matsu jumped onto Kasha's shoulders and began rubbing his face on Kasha's.

"Aaww, did you miss me little guy?" Kasha said as he began scratching Matsu's chin.

"If you were going to come back," Vaggie started. "Then where'd you go? What were you doing?"

"I was getting this." Kasha said as he took out the folder that had Hirad's battle plans. He handed the file to Charlie, who began reading through it. Vaggie peeked over her shoulder to read it as well.

"These are..." Charlie looked at Kasha, tears in her eyes. She wiped them away before she continued. "You didn't have to... How did you even get this?"

"Let's just say," Kasha smiled at Charlie. "I got lucky and met someone really helpful on my first day in Hell."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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