Who's A Good Dog?

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"There's few things you should always stay true to, your belief, your dignity, and your pride... For me I lost all of those things... I gave it all up for the sake of finding some way of getting my Brother's body and happiness back. I'm living like a disaster.". "Who's a good dog?" A familiar deep voice said looking down at Edward who was looking down tugging at the chain that was connected to the collar around his neck, "Hey good dogs get treats if they obey their master. So who's a good dog Fullmetal?" Running his gloved hand over the chain than the pocket watch at the end of the chain. Edward who looked down silently on all fours with a pained expression at his humiliation feeling another tug, "You do want your treat don't you?" Looking up at the grinning Flame Alchemist, "Woof..." Sticking his tongue out feeling a pat on his head from his Superior looking into his dark eyes, "Good boy. Come here.".
Edward's expression showed his humiliation but obeyed getting on his knees hands on the Flame Alchemist's lap understanding what Roy meant if he obeyed, his "Treat" would be none other than information on the Philosophers Stone gulping a bit when Roy lifted a leg on his desk looking at him with his piercing dark eyes silently communicating with him. "You're shaking like a dog. You must hate me. Or perhaps you hate yourself.", The Flame Alchemist said when he noticed the blonde look away pulling the zipper of his pants down with his teeth hesitating a moment before licking the tip of the others member taking all of him in his mouth feeling the alchemist undo his braid and grasp the back of his blonde hair. "You've gotten better at this Fullmetal." Roy said with a straight face seeing the blonde's cheeks tint still holding the chain close to him moving the blonde's head more hearing him muffle a moan, "You're willing to give up your pride and dignity just for your Brother?" Roy said grasping the blonde's head pushing his head down suddenly releasing surprising Edward. The small alchemist pulled away coughing feeling a grip on his chin facing the Flame Alchemist, "I hate you..." The blonde said, "You don't hate me. If you hated me you wouldn't be coming back." Making Edward go silent, "...Please I'll behave... Just take this collar off..." Edward said with a plead feeling the others finger run down his cheeks than undo the collar off his neck, "Deal.". When the collar fell off his neck the blonde felt a sudden grip on his shoulders and a rough pin on his Superiors desk, "Now before you get your treat you need to give yourself to me like you always do Fullmetal." Roy said softly before pressing his lips against the blonde's who fought it a bit but gave in, "I hate myself...".

"Here." Handing the envelope to the blonde who was quiet, "...Colonel...", "Hmm?", "If I ever ask you for a favor would you do it?", "I suppose." Roy said a bit baffled about to ask but Edward walked off looking down, "Please keep that promise. It's the least nice thing you could do for me.". Just as Edward closed the door behind him he heard a familiar voice turning to see Havoc feeling his heart stop a moment, "You done with the Chief already Edward?" He asked with a grin smoke in hand, "So you know I won't tell Alphonse about this unless you come back with me to my place, how about it?" He said with a grin that just bothered Edward more, "I really fucken hate myself.". The blonde just clutched the envelope against his chest nodding, "It's always like this get humiliated by the Colonel, than sleep with Lieutenant Havoc so he could keep it from Alphonse." He thought painfully, "I just want to cut myself from this skin, from this humiliation. " Hating himself more thinking of his brother who was back at the hotel, "What would you say if you saw me like this Alphonse?". "So am I better than the Chief." Jean said with a grin smoking a cigarette when the small blonde was changing, "Neither of you are good. How many times do I have to say that." Ed said attempting to smile to hide his pain before turning his back on him dropping it, an empty pained look replacing the fake smile biting his lip, "I feel so dirty...". "Brother is late again..." The suit of armor thought, "He hasn't been himself lately but he says he feels fine whenever I try to talk to him about it." Hearing the door click open seeing his brother walk in and head to the bathroom, "Ah Brother you're back-... He ignored me again..." Sighing deciding to check on him. "You know what they call what you're doing, being Promiscuous." A voice in the back of his head said, "You're being a dirty whore who's lying to your Brother." The voice said again making the small blonde look at his reflection in the mirror slamming his regular hand into the mirror breaking it, hearing a knock on the door, "Brother are you alright?!". "I-I'm fine..." He said feeling his arm burn seeing some of the glass had cut him, "Fuck... I can't let Al see this..." Grabbing his arm feeling strange relief seeing the broken glass, "...Something to take this pain and humiliation away..." Making a face about such a hasty decision, "What would you say if you knew what I was about to do Alphonse?... Would you hate me like I hate myself?". "Brother why is your hand and wrist bandaged?!" The suit of armor asked worried when his brother came out of the bathroom from his shower, "Sorry it was just a little accident that's all." He said apologetically, "But I have another lead for the stone, maybe we can finally get your body back." He said with an artificial smile, "You got a lead on the stone Brother?" The suit of armor asked. "I don't care about that right now." Al said with a sigh, "Yeah the Colonel... Gave it to me..." He said holding the envelope up but paused making a pained expression without realizing it, "Brother did something happen?... Please tell me. I'm getting worried about you...", "Everything's fine..." He said not really convincing his brother but decided not to pester him, "He never tells me anything anymore, it's not like him...". "You look tired you should probably call it a night." Al said to his brother whom tapped him like he usually did, "I want you to be happy and not worry about me okay Al?" He said with a pained smile before going to bed turning his back on the suit of armor worrying Al more, "I would rather be dead or abused with humiliation than have Al find out about any of this...".

"You look terrible Fullmetal." The Flame Alchemist said to the blonde the next morning when the brothers walked in Central the next morning seeing Ed stay silent and make a face, "Bite me." He huffed seeing Riza's face, "It's fine Lieutenant." Roy said Dismissing her, "Alphonse you think I can speak to your Brother?". "Um I don't know..." Seeing his brother's expression, "And if I say no?" Ed said, "You wouldn't disobey a direct order from your Superior would you Fullmetal?" Roy asked giving a look to the small alchemist understanding what it meant, "...Whatever just make it quick. Just wait for me here okay Al?" Following behind the alchemist, "Okay...". The suit of armor watched as they walked away thinking of his brother's reaction, "...Maybe I was imagining things but he seemed uncomfortable..." Deciding to brush it off and sit by a nearby bench to sit and wait for him, "Still that isn't like Brother to look down when he talks to the Colonel...". Okay what the hell is this about?" The blonde huffed before feeling himself get pinned against the wall in Roy's office, "You try to act tough but when it comes to your Brother you're afraid what he'll think if he finds out about this aren't you Fullmetal?". "...Cut the Bullshit." The blonde managed to say tensing a bit when Roy grabbed his face getting close to his face. "You're trembling." Roy said seeing a scowl on the small alchemist's face, "You know I like you a lot. And I really hate sharing you but..." Pausing when Havoc walked in seeing Ed drop his expression, "He wanted to try something different and who am I to say no." Roy said noticing Edward look down, "I would rather be abused with pain and humiliation than have Al see me like this...". "You must be enjoying this if you keep moving your hips around that much Fullmetal." Roy said looking down at the blonde who had a blush on his cheeks as he took all of him in his mouth with Jean thrusting him from behind hands on his hips seeing the wrapped up wrist, "What's with the bandages?" He asked grabbing his wrist seeing a pained expression on the small blonde's face. Edward pulled away with a pant, "Please don't... Hah... Don't touch my wrist..." Feeling Roy release his wrist, feeling his gaze burn through him taking all of his Superior's member again releasing muffled moans at the thrusts he was receiving from Havoc releasing a surprised moan when both released in him at the same time pulling away with a cough feeling humiliated, "I want to die...". "Fullmetal before you go." Roy said to the small alchemist who paused in his steps when Jean left, "Show me your wrist. That's an order. I'm only asking because you look paler than usual." He said making Edward get nervous putting his hand over his bandaged wrist, "No...", "Are you going to disobey my order?" He asked sternly seeing the blonde walk away and leave. "...He probably hates me." The Flame Alchemist thought with a sigh with the other alchemist outside the door who was listening leaning against it looking down, "I don't hate you, I hate myself... I'm a Promiscuous liar..." Thinking what his brother would think if he knew about his behavior biting his lip, "I'm a fuck up.".

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