Farewell For Now

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"I'm sorry Alphonse... I'm so sorry..." His brother's apology the night he kept apologizing to him finally made sense to the suit of armor who dropped the phone the instant Riza called him to tell him Edward was in the hospital for trying to take his own life the next morning wishing he could feel at that moment. "Lieutenant Havoc." Riza said stopping by Central real quick to see Jean turn only to be greeted with a harsh slap across the face surprising the rest of the team, "You lied. Because of you Edward tried to take his life! Don't you at least feel at least a bit responsible for that!" Seeing Jean's eyes widen, "The Colonel knew his actions were wrong but you, you just kept on going didn't you?... Now tell me what the hell you told him.". Roy who never left Edward's side once in the hospital was holding his hand but ended up telling Riza everything not getting off easy feeling a sore pain in his cheek from her slap but knew he deserved that and more looking down at his partially bloodied jacket than to the alchemist who was resting sleeping on the hospital bed with a half bandaged wrist squeezing his Automail hand gently. "It's all my fault..." Roy started giving a hurt expression showing that he hadn't slept once and cried a bit, "Wake up Fullmetal... If I call you short will you wake up?..." He said with a laugh but bit his lip getting saddened again when he didn't respond laying his face on the edge of the bed still holding his hand, "Fullmetal I want hear your voice...". Edward was fine but the Nurse said it would probably take him a while to wake up since he was really fatigued from the blood loss and lack of taking care of himself worrying the Flame Alchemist more while the small alchemist slept soundly, "Don't cry, you know we all make mistakes." A familiar soft voice spoke in his dream sleep to him, "Mom?". "I know it feels like no one cares, but people care. They'll forgive you." Waking up the small blonde making him gasp and jump up from his sleep feeling a pain in his wrist when he put his hand on his face, "That was mom's voice..." Opening his eyes to see he was in the hospital looking to see Roy holding his hand resting his face on the bed, "Colonel?..." Seeing Roy look up almost immediately seeing the lack of sleep in his eyes. "Edward thank god..." The Flame Alchemist said with a relieved smile, "Why?- Your face..." The small alchemist started but paused seeing Roy's cheek, "You were lucky, anymore bleeding and you wouldn't have made it... You had worried me, I'm so sorry..." Making Ed go quiet feeling not like himself since whatever they gave him was kicking in sighing heavily attempting to sit up but fell back on the bed. "Edward please take it easy...", "Why didn't you let me die?..." Making Roy's dark eyes widened at what the blonde said still holding his hand looking him in the eyes, "Because I don't want to lose someone else I care about. Not when I can do something about it." Seeing Ed look at him surprised before putting his hand over his face ignoring the pain in his wrist feeling horrible feeling a small kiss on his forehead, "I love you Edward.". "You can't just say you love someone and do something like that. It doesn't work like that." Moving his bandaged wrist carefully away from his face looking at the small alchemist who just looked at him with a hurt childlike expression, "I'll get you some help. That way you can get better alright.", "Help?" The small alchemist said with a hurt expression to the Flame Alchemist at what he said. "You make it sound like I'm sick or like I'm crazy Colonel... I didn't do anything wrong..." Pausing when his voice cracked tearing up feeling the Flame Alchemist embrace him comforting him, "That's not what I'm saying... You didn't do anything wrong, you never did..." Feeling Edward grip his sleeves and tremble a bit as he broke down, "Everything will be okay now, I'll take better care of you I promise...". The small alchemist had fallen asleep with Roy carefully putting him back down on the bed sighing when he sat back down by the window careful not to wake him since Edward took Roy's hand in his in his sleep, "I know Hughes wouldn't be happy with me right now seeing you like this Fullmetal, I know I'm to blame...", "Sir, how's Edward doing." Making Roy look up to see Riza walk in, "He's not taking it well...". "I see..." Riza said looking at the sleeping alchemist sadly seeing that he wouldn't let go of the others hand than looking to the Flame Alchemist who was being hard on himself, "Sir... About earlier's action, I apologize.", "No it's alright Lieutenant. You had a right to..." Roy said pulling his hand away carefully standing up to take his bloodied coat off, "I'm just worried about how Alphonse is going to take all this...", "Sir, about that-". At that moment Riza spoke up the suit of armor rushed in, "Brother!" To see his brother fast asleep and his wrist bandaged halfway than seeing the Flame Alchemist with the blood on his coat, "You... Because of you my Brother did this!" Lashing out hitting him than roughly grabbing Roy by the collar and pushing him roughly against the wall making the Flame Alchemist wince in pain feeling a bit of blood run down his mouth but looked Al straight in the face.

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