Tomorrow I Will Come Back Leader Of The Whole Pack

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"Here this is for you trip back." The mechanic said handing Edward a basket, "Is your Automail good?", "Yep sure is." Edward said when he took the basket peeking inside to see an apple pie grinning, "You always do make the best apple pies.", "Oh shush, Gracia gave me the Recipe remember? That reminds me, can you tell Ms. Hughes and Elicia I said hi and that I'll visit soon?" Seeing Edward pause but nod. "I will. We should probably get going before we miss the train, right Al?" Tapping the suit of armor who nodded, "Yeah", "Thanks for everything. I mean that." Turning his back on them who paused when Pinako called to him, "Edward are you still going to play Agnostic?" Making Edward laugh a bit, "You should know the answer to that question, of course. Though I do believe angels exists now." He said with a smile surprising Al. "Well that's surprising." The older mechanic said with Winry looking at the Brothers smiling, "Don't forget to visit again or at least call.", "Definitely, just not anytime soon though. Unless I break my Automail.", "Don't Break your Automail! Do you know how hard I worked on it so you wouldn't break it!" Feeling a Wrench hit the back of his head, "Ow! Alright! Alright! I won't break it! Jeez... Damn Gearhead!", "Alchemy Freak!". It was true though, the small alchemist thought differently than he thought before during those three months of staying with Winry and Pinako, "I wanted to die." He admitted deep in thought on the train with Al quietly looking at his brother, "But Roy showed me otherwise despite everything he put me through, he showed me that guardian angels do exist. Mom, Everyone proved me wrong that people actually do care." Smiling a bit to himself. "Brother? Are you alright?..." Al asked since Edward wasn't saying much on the train, "Yeah, I'm fine.", "What's on your mind?", "I was just thinking how I was thrown to the wolves a few months back." He started, "But... Tomorrow I'm coming back leader of the whole damn pack." He said with his usual laugh and smile before grinning at the suit of armor, "The Fullmetal Alchemist will be returning soon enough.".

"Today was a long day..." The Flame Alchemist thought once he got back home taking off his military coat unbuttoning his collared shirt halfway before stopping when the small pup ran to him barking happily, "Hey there... Missed me didn't you little one?" He asked with a small chuckle as he picked up the pup who just licked his face, "You'll meet your real owner soon enough I promise.". After taking a shower Roy decided to head to the kitchen with the pup following behind opening the fridge spotting some alcohol, "...It's been a while, why not..." He said grabbing it than sitting on couch with the pup on his lap looking at Edward's pocket watch before putting it down on the table, taking a sip of the alcoholic beverage looking down at the small pup who looked up at him smiling laughing softly, "Wonder what Edward is going to name you...". The next morning everyone was working in the office with Roy walking in with a yawn greeting his team, "Good morning Sir, here's today's paperwork." Riza said in her usual serious tone standing up going over to him putting some paperwork on his desk before sitting back down, "Thank you Lieutenant." Picking up the paperwork and looking over it getting to work taking a sip of his coffee making a face at the amount of paperwork he had so early in the morning grumbling to himself. "You look like you're ready to slack off Colonel." Surprising the Flame Alchemist at the familiar voice pausing in his work looking up to see Edward at the door grinning at him standing besides Alphonse speechless for a long moment, surprising Riza and the rest of the team making Edward laugh a bit, "What? Cat got your tongue Colonel?", "Edward you're...", "Yep I'm finally back, Did you miss me Because I sure did~". The Flame Alchemist was speechless at Edward's return getting the urge to run over to hug him but restrained himself keeping his composure standing up when Edward walked over to him facing Roy bringing a smile to Riza's face at Edward's familiar taunting grin till the small alchemist turned to face Jean making him uneasy at Edward's familiar smirk, "Hey Havoc come here a second..." With Jean going over nervously making Al curious but worried for Havoc. "Y-Yes..." Jean asked getting more uneasy at his sudden seriousness, "What was it that you told me when I was in the hospital, I kind of forgot...", "...I said if you would please forgive me...", No... That's not the way I want to hear it." Making Jean swallow his pride before getting on his knees bowing to the small alchemist completely "...Will you please forgive me Edward..." Disconcerning Al, Riza, and Roy when Edward suddenly grinned. "Hmm, let me think about that for a second..." Looking at his Automail hand which was in a fist for a moment suddenly hitting Jean in the face with it making him fall back surprising everyone pulling his hand back with a bigger grin, "I've been wanting to do that for a long time, man that felt good..." Scaring the Flame Alchemist slightly making Riza and Al notice when he cringed a bit. The small alchemist put his hands on his hips, "Right... I don't forgive you, yet. But maybe after a few more of those, than maybe we can talk it out." Smiling artificially at Jean who didn't speak a word before turning to Roy, "As for you Colonel..." He started but suddenly smiled at him with an innocent childlike but bright smile that made Roy's heart melt smiling back at him, "Welcome back Fullmetal." Placing the blonde's pocket watch on the palm of Edward's waiting hand. Riza just shook her head from Edward's actions looking over to the suit of armor who just laughed, "You can't blame him, he's been wanting to do that for a long time...", "Of course not." Turning almost immediately when Edward squeaked in surprise to see Roy hugging the blonde tightly smiling at Roy's joy, "Guess things are back to normal again. Well kind of normal." Laughing softly at the last part.

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