It's Wonderful Wonderful Here...

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"Some things you lose, and some things you just give away." The small blonde thought before bumping into his brother who was worried, "Brother what took you so long!", "Oh the Colonel just... Wanted to talk..." Edward started but paused making a face a small humiliated blush appearing on his cheek. "What's wrong? Can't you talk to me about it?" Al asked grabbing his brother's wrist seeing his brother cringe, "...Al the wrist...", "Oh sorry I forgot..." Al said apologetically pulling his hand away, "If something's bothering you just tell me and I'll help you... I'm just really worried about you Brother...". "I'm fine... Just fine. Don't worry about me. You think you can get me something to eat I'm starving." Ed said with a small artificial smile seeing the suit of armor turn his back on him dropping his smile, "Help me cut away this emptiness and pain." The blonde thought deciding to head to the library to take his mind off things. "Brother's eyes looked pained... He's lying to me but why can't he tell me anything? It can't be that bad..." Remembering the small mess he had to clean the other day from the broken mirror, "He said it was an accident but I don't know about that..." Al thought back to the one broken mirror piece that had blood on it, "He wouldn't, would he?". "I feel so horrible..." The blonde thought once in the library looking around the books, "Maybe reading will take my mind off things." Reaching for an Alchemy book sitting on the floor, "My coat reeks of Cigarette..." Making a face and taking off his red coat looking down at his bandaged hand and wrist clenching his fist, "I'm such a coward...". The small blonde unclenched his fist feeling his wrist ache, "It hurts but somehow that took the pain I felt at the moment away... Alphonse would probably hate me for the way I'm thinking." Edward thought putting his gloves on to hide the bandage a bit, Things will be okay as long as Alphonse doesn't know..." He thought as he read through the book quietly glancing to the side when something caught his eye. "Hm? What's that." Standing up to see something shining on a nearby box going to it, "A box cutter?" Playing with it a bit, "They must of forgotten it..." Deciding to keep it putting it away in his pocket, "I should hate that bastard Colonel, but I don't. He worried about me even though he humiliates me..." Remembering back to Roy's order to see his bandaged wrist, "I'm being selfish aren't I?". "Selfish about what?" Making the blonde jump back at the touch on his shoulder surprised to see Alphonse behind him, "O-Oh nothing..." Surprising Al at his brother's quick reaction, "I didn't know what to bring you so I brought you a juice and a sandwich..." Holding the bag out looking down at Ed's wrist reaching for it, "Brother you need to change the bandage I can do that-", "NO!" Ed said regretting his tone, "I-I mean it's okay I can change it later... I'm sorry thanks for the food Al...". Edward's tone surprised the suit of armor but decided to brush it off, "You look pale Brother... You should take care of yourself. I don't want to lose you..." Al said making Ed's eyes widen and look down guiltily, "I won't worry you.", "You promise?", "...I... I told you to stop worrying about me didn't I Al?" Ed said with his usual smile tapping the suit of armor.

"Yo Chief mind giving me a light?" Jean said when he went to Roy's office again seeing the Flame Alchemist look up, "...Lieutenant Havoc back again?" Roy said snapping his fingers lighting the cigarette, "Can I ask you for a favor?", "Didn't I do enough of a favor for you already?", "Well..." Making Roy raise an eyebrow at him. "If it's about Fullmetal again forget about it." Roy said simply, "Don't tell me you actually care about the kid?" Jean said making a face pulling the cigarette from his lips seeing Roy's face change, "I've seen how you humiliate the kid treating him like a dog and you're saying I can't have any fun with him? That's not fair." Jean said with a sigh. "Or would you prefer I make a move on you Chief?" Grabbing Roy's face, "Havoc..." The Flame Alchemist said with Jean said taking another puff of his cigarette, "I mean what would Hawkeye say if she found about any of this Hm?", "...How about I give your whole body a light?" Making Jean sigh letting go, "You're no fun. But Hawkeye should be the least of your worries, you still have that brother of his to worry about if he finds out.". The Flame Alchemist made a face when Jean left, "Fullmetal is coming by later on again as usual..." Leaning back on his chair thinking for a moment opening his drawer to look at the dog collar closing it thinking back to Edward's bandaged wrist, "Trying to act tough for the sake of your Brother but I'm breaking you down aren't I Fullmetal? I can tell by that look in your eyes when you look at me.". Meanwhile the suit of armor left the blonde alone for a bit to call Winry on the phone while Edward was in the library looking through the books, "...My wrist hurts..." Ed said to himself undoing the bandages seeing the scars from yesterday's self mutilation, "I really am a dog of the military..." Wrapping up his wrist again before feeling someone grab him from behind hand over his mouth taking him by surprise. "I think you meant to to say you're a bitch." Jean said with a grin seeing the blonde's eyes get angered looking down at his bandaged wrist, "You must be desperate if you're really going that low." Grabbing his wrist seeing Edward wince, "I'll keep your secret on one condition~" Jean said against the blonde's ear slipping his hand into the small alchemist's shirt. "Shit I really don't have the energy for this..." Edward thought feeling himself get weak at Havoc's touch, "Stop... It hurts...." He managed to say referring to his bandaged wrist that was still held, "I'll tell the Colonel...", "Tell the Colonel? But he humiliates you, But I'm guessing you enjoy being treated like a dog." Jean said squeezing his wrist hearing a pained sound from Edward. "No!" The small alchemist said managing to pull away pushing Havoc roughly against the bookcase making him fall back with the books falling on him looking at Jean scowling, "You damn brat...", "Fuck you..." Massaging his wrist before grabbing his coats and running off realizing his actions was going to have consequences later on. Edward was pretty quiet that evening worrying the suit of armor, "Brother?-" Getting disrupted when the door suddenly opened to see Riza with a disappointed look seeing his brother jump up nervously, "Edward the Colonel wants to speak to you.", "...Al you can leave if you want..." Ed said looking down, "You did something wrong didn't you?", "Kind of, I'll be late again I'm sorry Alphonse...".

"You know what you did was wrong." The Flame Alchemist said later on when everyone else was gone looking down at the alchemist who was on a leash again on his knees looking down, "And what's this about self mutilation?" He asked tugging the leash receiving silence, "An answer would be great Fullmetal?" Seeing the blonde look up at him seeing a pained look in his eyes. "You won't talk Huh? He said you pushed him for no reason and insulted him. But I still haven't heard your side of the story." Roy said kneeling a bit so that he was more leveled with Edward looking over his bare body, "I'm not taking no for an answer this time." Reaching out for his bandaged wrist seeing the blonde finally react and pull his hand away from reach but felt a grip near his wrist, "Why don't you just fuck me already Colonel...". Roy looked at the blonde with his usual expression, "You would like that wouldn't you?" Roy said drawing his face closer to the blonde's pinning him against the wall, "Tell me what the hell happened Edward. Or I will squeeze your wrist to get answers." Getting his hand closer to the bandaged part seeing that look in Edward's golden eyes again, "N-No..." Making a pained sound when Roy squeezed his wrist making a pained expression looking his Superior in his dark eyes. "It hurts..." He said with a shaky breath biting back on his pain, "Than give me an answer.", "There's nothing to tell you.", "I know Havoc is lying so tell me your side of the story." Roy said loosening his grip on his wrist kissing the blonde suddenly surprising him taking his chance to undo the bandages on his wrist pulling away from the kiss seeing Ed's flushed expression than avoiding eye contact with him. A small silence filled the room a moment before seeing the small alchemist turn to him making eye contact with him with a pained look in his eyes, "...Please just abuse me with humiliation that's all I'm asking for right now..." Reaching out for Roy's hand seeing his bandages had been undone by him pulling his hand away feeling his Superior's eyes on him hearing him speak, "Edward look at me.". The small blonde looked up hesitantly at the Flame Alchemist who sighed undoing the collar and getting up grabbing something from his desk sitting down in front of him again, "Show me your wrist." Grabbing the small alchemist's hand, "We need to disinfect this properly than bandage it more better, this may hurt a bit." Roy said looking over the slits on his wrist putting disinfectant on it seeing the alchemist wince carefully bandaging his wrist. Edward who was surprised at his Superior's sudden kindness looked down bashfully when he finished wrapping his wrist with no questions asked, "He must think I'm fucked up..." The small blonde thought, "Edward. I won't ask you anymore but I promise I'll kick your ass if you do this again." Roy said seeing the blonde nod his head, "The only reason you're putting up with me is to get information on the stone." Making the blonde go quiet. "No that's not it... That's not it at all..." Edward thought as his Superior did his braid, "Another word of advice stay away from Havoc you've been through enough hell." Roy said simply finishing the braid letting the small alchemist get dressed, "Colonel...", "Not another word Edward just go back to Alphonse he's probably worried sick about you." Roy said simply seeing the small alchemist leave quietly. Edward leaned against the door sighing, "Hell huh?... There is a hell believe me I've seen it. I'm always living in it." Glancing up and look to the side when he heard a familiar whistle seeing Havoc wait around the corner for him looking down, "I'm always walking head first into it. I always go back to that source of pain. It's just what I do." He thought walking over to the blonde Lieutenant who just grinned at him.

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