This Is Sempiternal

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"Well today is finally the day, you excited?" Winry said with Alphonse next to her, Edward was finally being released from the hospital looking at the two of them dressed in casual pants and a black collar shirt with long sleeves to cover his wrist, "I guess..." Alerting them that Ed was still down about Roy. The Blonde Mechanic just stood quiet with Al stepping in, "Brother, you'll see him again soon I promise.", "You're right but still you know a farewell would of been nice...", "We're going to miss the train if you keep sulking like that..." Winry said with a sigh, she couldn't blame Edward for being bummed out since he was going to stay with them till he got better completely. The train ride felt long for Al, Winry and Edward till they finally started getting closer to Resembool, "Ah! Looks like we're almost there!- Ah Ed fell asleep..." Winry started but paused when she turned to let Edward know to see him fast asleep taking her chance grabbing his wrist carefully so he wouldn't wake him lifting his sleeve up to see visible scars left from before. "Winry...", "He's done good hasn't he Al? I mean taking better care of himself that is." Letting go of his wrist carefully, "He's a bit too skinny but still nothing home and family can't fix right?" Looking over to Al smiling, "Yeah, he took the Colonel serious. That should give him a reason to take his recovery serious.", "Yeah to become a better person for the Colonel and everyone else.". "Well... Looks like the road to recovery for Edward starts today." Winry said to the suit of armor who was carrying the sleeping alchemist on his back when they got off the train nodding at what the mechanic said, "The road for Brother to become a better person for the Colonel." Making their way walking on the trail, "How long do you think it'll take for Brother?", "I honestly don't know Al, not anytime soon that's for sure.". "Sir, are you alright." Riza asked the Flame Alchemist back in Central in his office who was looking at Edward's pocket watch, "I'm fine...", "It's hard for you isn't it Sir." Hitting the nail on the head, "It's alright, you'll see him again soon I promise.", "You're right, I did do this for his own good." Glancing over to Riza who nodded, "If it makes you feel better I can keep in touch with Winry about Edward's progress, now please get some work done Sir.". Upon arrival at Winry's place the older mechanic happened to come out that moment with Den surprised to see Winry with Alphonse and Edward who was still fast asleep, "Well isn't this a surprise. What brings you boys around for once?", Well...", "Well they'll be staying with us for a while." Winry cut in smiling with Pinako going over to them looking over Al than Edward whose left wrist was showing noticing the scars but glanced away looking at the sleeping blonde. "Your Brother has gotten a lot skinnier. Has he been taking care of himself? Too much running or too much exercise perhaps?", "Grandma please..." Winry said with a sigh, "Alright, Alright I'll let them take it easy. Dinner should be ready soon so make sure Edward doesn't over sleep.", "We won't." Letting the group inside the house still looking over the sleeping blonde suspiciously who was mumbling Roy's name in his sleep. "Well, you two will be staying here." Winry said with a smile when she took them to the extra room with Al put his sleeping brother down on the bed careful not to wake him, "I'm going to help Grandma make dinner alright." Seeing Alphonse nod, "I'll stay here with Brother." He said watching Winry leave looking over to Edward who just got closer to him nuzzling against his armor realizing something, "I see... He's afraid to be left alone more than ever.". The blonde mechanic didn't say much when she walked into the kitchen to help, "Edward still asleep?", "Yeah, what's for dinner.", "Stew. So are you going to tell me what's going on or do I have to ask him myself?" Pinako asked straightforward glancing over to Winry who stood quiet, "Well... I think you should wait till he's comfortable enough to talk about it... It's kind of a personal battle for him right now.", "I see, I won't bother him about it than.".

At dinner time Edward was pretty quiet leaned back sitting in his usual clothing but kept his Automail hand over his wrist covering it with Pinako just looking at the small blonde, "Edward you haven't touched your food, it's a surprise since you really like stew.", "I'm not really hungry..." With Al and Winry worried for him since he had a hollow blank expression. The older mechanic didn't want to push him too much and left it be till Den tried to jump on Edward's lap, "Den get down from there!" She said lightly scolding him when he got down, "No it's alright really...", "Nonsense Den knows better." She said patting the dog sighing, "Down... Good boy. Who's a good dog. Here's a treat." Giving Den a treat with Edward making a face at that familiar saying and situation before getting up and walking off. "Ah Edward wait!" Winry started, "Edward." Making Edward pause at Pinako's voice who realized she struck something with the boy, "I don't know what's going on, but if you're going to walk off take Den with you.", "It's just what you said...", "So I struck something? Listen as long as you're here you're not to be left alone so just sit here and try to eat something. If what I said bothered you I apologize, but please just stay here with us don't worry your Brother more." . Alphonse got worried but felt relief when Edward reluctantly came back to the table, "I'm sorry... I'll try harder." He said apologetically to Winry and Al before looking at Pinako who was serious, "Can we talk after Dinner?", "Of course. Now try to eat something, you slept a lot.", "I'm not drinking that milk though...", "I know you aren't." Pinako said with a small laugh seeing Edward finally give a small smile bringing some comfort to Al and Winry. After dinner and cleaning up Al and Winry sat at the dinner table while Edward spoke to Pinako outside, "Edward worried me..." Winry admitted to the suit of armor, "I know... What do you think he wanted to tell Aunt Pinako...", "Probably open up to her... He's trying really hard to do good, but it's hard for him." She said with a sigh, "Knowing Grandma she'll probably set a strict rule and make him take Den with him if he ever goes out to keep an eye on him.". "I see." Pinako said outside on the porch stairs when Edward opened up about everything that had happened seeing him look down with a guilty expression, "Drop that face, I'm not judging you. Though I am disappointed in you." She admitted, "But I'm guessing that's why you were covering your wrist earlier." Seeing him nod and hold it out to her seeing the visible scars on his wrist than pull it back to pet Den who was sleeping on his lap. "That explains why you reacted like that earlier at what I said... But that Superior of yours... Are you really involved with him?" She asked seeing Edward nod again, "But he sent you here till you got better? Him I'll need to thank later for saving your life, but the other one got off too easy.", "I know...", "Nonetheless it's nice to have you here Edward.", "Aunt Pinako...", "Hmm? What is it?" She asked glancing over to Edward. "I haven't mentioned this to Al, Winry, or the Colonel but... Mom spoke to me when I was in the hospital asleep..." Getting Pinako's attention, "She said everything was going to be okay and that everyone will forgive me...", "Your mother spoke to you Huh?... Well she was right." She started, "Even though what you did was unacceptable, you managed to pull through. Things always seem hard but people do care about you, you just have to learn to trust adults more.". "You're right...". "Now Edward." Pinako started, "Since I'm familiar with everything now, ground rules; You're not to be left alone ever, and if you ever leave to go out, you're to take Den with you. You understand me?", "I understand.", "Great, tomorrow you can visit your mother it's been a while, just remember to take Den with you. For now you should call it a night and take it easy." Giving Edward a smile, "You can pull through this, I know you can.". "Um Chief..." Making Roy look up from his paperwork to see Jean at the door looking at him unamused, "What brings you here Havoc." Not surprised at the cold attitude from the Flame Alchemist, "...I just wanted to deeply apologize from the bottom of my heart, and I hope things get better for you and Edward..." He said before deciding to leave leaving Roy quiet, "I hope so too..." Deciding to take a break and lean back against the chair.

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