Hi, my name is yana paul and i have a kinda crazy life. i have sister named emilia paul, my fathers named yerni paul and my mothers named ivy paul. We also used to have a dog named awuch.
Some other people you should know are my cousins, sisilia paul and ryan paul, and their parents are mironsky paul and sbrina paule. They also have a cat named lenard.
You see, yana paul had no friends at school and it was hard for her to talk to her perrs. But one day, yara met a girl named rowley wiener, and the two really hit it off! Yana and rowley talked a lot in this class and they became friends. Dor a while, rowley was yona only fried, but that was okay! But one day, another women enterd yanas life. Her name was milika klinkee, and they really hit it off! It even seemed that now yawa was better friends with milika than with rowley. This was because yarda found out that rowley was inly in it for the money. Yana often noticed how rawley would endlessly ask for boundless heaps of cash. After figuring this out, yna was furious with rowey. So a day later, shwarma and milika confroted her. But rowley denied it and said she would never do anything like that. Milika was convinved, but yana still wasn't sure. She pressured her about it more, but rowley contknued to gaslight yaka.
Yana went home to her home and complained about rowley to emilia. This was really making yana upset, but emilia didnt care. Get out of my room yora! said emila
Aw man. aaid yorka
Yana trudged bacm to her room, flopping onto her bed. She pulled out her iphone 8 and went to the calling app. She clicked on the contact called egg. She put the phone next to her ear as it ringed. Hello? sisilia picked up. Hey sisiia. yora whiped a tear from her eye. Woah yana, are you okay? sisilia said in a concerned voice. Yeah its just.... I lurned something about my friend. yana sobbed. Damn thats crazy, what is it? sisla said. You know rowley? Yeah you told me about ber. She just wanted me for money. yaka cried into the phone. Damn said sisili, want to play roadblocks? Derrick whiped her tear. Sure. Yana signed into herb account, the_stonebopper and went to sisilas account, The_pastryguy. What shoumd we play? How about killer question, sissl said. Sure! Yana and sisila played killed questipn for a long tome, well in the night. By the end, yaka was laughing gleefully. She stopped as she noticed this. Oh, Im not sad anymore. Ofcourse not, sisla smiled. Yora smiled at her. Thanks. No problem. Yana smiled at her screen as they continued tk play killer question.Thank you everyone for reading! This tooke me a really long time to make and a lot of thought was put into it. I made sure to read over this chapter many times so it woukd have absolutely no errors. If you liked, please comment and like the story and add t your favourites. It really helps me out! I hope you liked it :).
535 words :)