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  "Adik? Kenapa adik call ni? Ada apa-apa jadi ke kat rumah mama?"

"Fakhri tak boleh tahan la ngan Naim! Dia boleh kata yang dia maafkan Fakhri?! Dia minta maaf pun tidak! Tiba-tiba dia maafkan Fakhri? Apa merepek ni?!"

Dahlia sighed, continuing to listen to her youngest brother rant.

"Dia dah janji ngan aku yang dia akan ada dengan aku walaupun apape jadi tapi mana dia selama ni? Kakak yang tak buat janji ngan adik pun keluar rumah untuk cari adik. Mana dia?!"

"Okay adik. Kau buat bertenang okay? Kau dekat mana sekarang? Masih kat rumah mama ke?"

"Kau gila ke pe? Buat apa aku nak stay kat rumah dia?"

"Adik, kakak cakap baik-baik, please jawab baik-baik."

Fakhri sighed, "Sorry. Adik on the way balik rumah Papa."

"Adik tak nak datang sini? Akak kat sini..."

"Takpe lah kak. Papa tu pun sorang dekat rumah. Aku jumpa kau nanti je dekat sekolah tuk Kem Bulan Madu."

"Hmm ah okay la. Apape kau contact aku je nanti. Aku ada kat sini. Hati-hati balik rumah papa."

With that, they ended the call. Dahlia sighed and slipped the phone into her pocket. She noticed from her peripheral that a familiar figure had come next to her. She turned and looked at the boy. He had a guilty look on his face. He was pouting and fiddling with his fingers. She couldn't get angry at him. She wasn't even upset with him.

She twitched a smile and tilted her head, "La, kenapa kau nampak cam sedih ni?"

  "Bunga, aku minta maaf. Aku tak tahu yang ayah ibu kau tak tahu. Sumpah, aku tak tahu yang dorang tak tahu," Kahar apologised.

  Dahlia sighed, "It's okay. Aku faham, Kahar. Aku tak salahkan kau pun. Aku patutnya bilang kau sebelum berjumpa. Aku tak teringat."

  "Ish bunga, jangan lah salahkan diri kau. Ni salah aku. Kau boleh tak salahkan aku?" Kahar pouted.

  "Eh eh kau. Dah bukan salah kau, kau nak aku buat apa?" Dahlia scoffed. "Kau duduk ngan ibu ayah aku ke?"

  He shook his head.


  He frowned.

  "Dah la. Aku nak tolong kemas meja sekejap."

  "Aku dah tolong kemas tadi. Dorang pun faham kenapa kau tak bilang dorang pasal Fakhri dan Naim," Kahar informed.

  Dahlia nodded, "Thank you. Dah jom, aku teman kau merokok."

  Dahlia guided him up to her room. She left her front door open and pushed open her window. She grabbed a blanket and stepped out the window. Kahar found it odd at first but he trusted her. It was a lower roof that she decided to bring him to. She balanced her feet on the roof and spanned the blanket neatly.

  She sat down and patted the spot next to her. Kahar slowly moved and sat down. She took out her pack of cigarettes and handed it to him. Kahar took her empty hand as a sign that she wasn't going to smoke. He lit it up with her lighter and the two stayed silent for a moment.

  The two enjoyed the view and peace of the skies. Dahlia couldn't help but to fiddle with the locket that hung from her neck. She couldn't smoke so she had to fidget with it.

  "Bunga, aku ada satu soalan."

  Dahlia turned to him, "Apa dia?"

  He blew the smoke and faced Dahlia, "Aku terkejut tadi bila kau bilang Ayah Ibu kau bab hal tadi. Kau...memang tak takut ke yang dorang akan marah?"

I See You | Abdul Kahar - P. High CouncilWhere stories live. Discover now