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  "Dahlia. Kau okay tak?"

  "Apa jadi?"

  "Kau okay tak?"

  Four boys came barging into the room as she was styling her hair. Dahlia sighed and shook her head, ignoring their questions.

  "Apa maksud Ariz, Dahlia? Apa jadi dekat kau?" Hakeem asked.

  Dahlia turned to the four of them. Three from the High Council and one from the class of Form 4 whose father was KUDRAT's alumni. The nicer one. Dahlia shrugged her shoulders.

  "Kau dah dengar kan dari Ariz? Buat apa aku ceritakan lagi?" Dahlia simply said.

  "Maksud dia betul-betul nak rogol kau?" Fahmi clarified.

  Dahlia cringed hard on the vulgar word and grunted in annoyance, "Kau dah kenapa?! Diam boleh tak? Aku tak suka la dengar tu. Otak aku serabut tau tak?"

  It was more traumatising than she had expected. She thought she had moved on from it since she was able to stop crying and feel anger rather than fear and sadness. She hadn't move on. She was still in pain. Still in trauma. Dahlia placed a hand on her head, frustrated by the four of them gathered in her space.

  As she did that, the four could see the bruising of her wrists. They were marks made from the ropes that were tied around her wrists. Zahrin clenched his jaw and punched the air in anger.

  "Sial ah! Dia dah kurang ajar kau tau tak?" Zahrin fumed.

  "Aku rasa, kita kene report ni dekat Kahar," Hakeem said.

  Dahlia and the rest of them shifted their eyes to the Kapla Interim.

  "Aku setuju," Fahmi agreed.

  "No! Korang dah gila ke? Dia tengah suspension and kau nak buat kecoh apa hal?!" Dahlia exclaimed.

  "Dahlia, budak lahanat tu dah buat taik dekat kau, kau faham tak?" Zahrin barked.

  "Abistu?! Kalau Kahar datang balik sekolah time suspension lepastu buat kecoh, kau rasa dia tak kene buang sekolah ke?"

  "Dahlia, ni dah melampau. Walaupun Haikal tu kawan aku, aku tak boleh terima apa dia buat dekat kau. Dia tak hormat kau. Dia tak hormat Kahar," Ariz slowly said.

  "Aku tahu lah tapi ini semua pilihan aku. Aku yang kene, aku yang pilih."

  "Kalau Kahar dapat tahu macam mana? Aku tak nak kene belasah dengan Kahar," Fahmi said.

  "Dia takkan tahu kalau takde orang bincang bab hal ni macam apa yang korang tengah buat ni sekarang," she seethed.

  "Dahlia, aku tak faham kau lah. Kita nak tolong kau, kau marah-marah kita apahal?" Zahrin furiously asked.

Dahlia clenched her fists, as well as her jaw. She released a shaky breath, not realising that she released a tear or two. The boys frowned. Hakeem slapped Zahrin on his upper arm, silently scolding him. She pinched the bridge of her nose.

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