A true accident

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It was 9 o-clock when Katie told Lucy to start getting ready for bed starting with hugging her sister goodnight then Katie helping Lucy into her pink Cinderella pants with matching shirt, Katie kissed Lucy goodnight then back to watching tv with Ella. At 10 Katie had Ella start getting ready for bed as well as preparing her self for the night, just before Katie went to sleep she said goodnight to a almost asleep Ella then finally slipped into slumber herself. Lucy walked through an empty castle hearing her footsteps echo through the castle but as she walked further in she started hearing a voice a voice of a princess as Lucy walked towards the sound of the voice she came to a door which she pushed open to see Cinderella at a dining table alone eating dinner. Lucy walked up to her now noticing her dress a dress fit for a princess and Lucy sat next to the princess and they started talking about cute stuffed toys and penguins but after a while of chatting Lucy excused her self to use the potty and when she sat on it and started peeing she noticed that even though her pants were down her lap was getting wet then Lucy snapped into reality from her dream and smelt it first the stench of pee, Lucy sat in her bed and cried for a few minutes before her mum walked in and turned on the lights just to see Lucy sitting in a puddle of her own urine. Lucy stood up pee dripping from her pants as she hugged her mum, Katie hugged her daughter back before stripping her bed and putting the sheets as well as her pajamas in the wash as they walked back to Lucy's room her mum helped her clean off with a wet towel before  helping her into another pair of pink pajamas this time just plain ones before taking Lucy back to bed with her to finish the night. When they woke up Lucy walked down the stairs to watch cartoons before Ella walked down and pulled Lucy into her lap before stroking Lucy's hair while watching the cartoon with her eventually laughing at the jokes made by the princess. Ella then putting Lucy on her hip and carrying her to the kitchen table to eat breakfast. The girls day planned consisted of going to the park and then having lunch and then the girls would go their separate ways. As the family got ready to go to the playground Lucy bounced around the house like a bundle of energy and then when the family got in eyeshot of the playground Lucy raced ahead to play on the swings eventually getting Ella to join her before Lucy got bored and started playing on different pieces of the playground. After an hour Katie and Ella dragged Lucy back home only bribing her with mac n cheese for lunch, as the day ticked by Lucy played with her stuffed animals alone while Ella read and after a while it was time for dinner, Katie had made them a special pizza to enjoy before the family watched a movie which by Ella's choice was Jumanji and even if Lucy was a bit young she sat there cross legged invested in the movie and before they new it was time for Lucy to go to sleep which she did reluctantly only because her mum read her a nighttime story which was the princess who wasn't and by the end of the story Lucy was passed out and her mum hoped she wouldn't have to clean up another bed that night.

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