Nine - Catching Up With an Interrogation

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Park Slope - Brooklyn
May 19, 2022 - 7:11 AM


Inside his bedroom, the sunlight beams through the window and the birds started chirping. Richard is still asleep, having gotten himself drunk after he had spent all night, risking his life fighting against criminals to save Enterprise and Laffey from the vile crimes he had once faced in his former law enforcement career. Now, Richard is on his bed, with one arm curling around his head as he lays there sideways, still nauseated and his hand attempting to massage his forehead.

As he continues curling and throwing himself around, he hears a ding dong, and a loud buzz from below... A few times it takes before it finally roused him from a drunken slumber. As he wakes up, agitated at first, he feels drowsy, and he had a painful sensation on his head and throat. As he struggles to get himself up from his bed, another round of loud buzzing came through, which allowed him to regain his senses and to realize that someone is by the front door.

He shoves the plastic bag that contained the gun and the bottle aside with his feet and slowly stumbles himself all the way to the front door. As he clambers downstairs, being very careful in not tripping over by holding the railing as tight as he could, he heard the muffled voice calling out:

"Richard? It's Helena, are you there!?"

Recognizing the voice, Richard was surprised that Helena was at his front door. Looking at the peephole, he sees a woman, with short black hair with turquoise tips by the front and wearing a black dress suit. He recognizes her and opens the front door. As he does, she was shocked, not only because she saw how disheveled Richard was, and how she noticed he reeks of booze.

"Dear god, Richard, what happened to you?"

Richard can only spoke: "Hi... What time is it?" Helena grunted: "Hey, its 7:18 in the morning, you goofball!"

Richard's face felt flushed upon hearing this as he said: "Oh dear...  He was about to stumble onto the floor, but Helena comes forward and catches him with her two hands by his shoulders as she said: "Hey, it's okay. I'll get you some water," ...before she closes the door behind him and gently carried Richard all the way to the kitchen, where she sat him down on the chair.

"What are you doing here?" asked Richard as Helena grabs the glass cup and fills it with tap water. "Just checking on you, that is until I realized you smelled of booze," she said. As she taps the glass cup down on the table hard enough to bring him back to his senses, she added:

"Do you mind explaining this to me why your front left side of your car was totaled?" 

'I.. I don't know..." said Richard, his speech was slightly slurred. As he drank water, the two heard loud knocks from the front door. Helena arrives first and looks through the peephole to find two people standing wearing dark blue uniforms, caps and badges. She realizes they are the NYPD. Reluctantly, she opens the door.

"Good morning, ma'am..." said the officer. Richard could see from the distance by the front door and recognizes that certain person.

"It's fucking Kiefer again..." he grumbled.

Kiefer and the other officer behind him step inside and saw Richard sitting on the table by the counter, still holding the glass cup. As they get closer, Kiefer lowers his arms on the counter opposite of Richard and sniffed hard, who he finds out he had been drunk. He then said:

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