Fourteen - Against the Fallout & the Odds

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Park Slope, Brooklyn
May 22, 2022 - 7:20 PM


In between a dimly-lit alleyway, Richard, Helena and Nate are being escorted out from the back entrance from the service doorway by an entourage of armed black-suit security guards in an effort to hide themselves from the press, who there are only a few of them right outside the front entrance of Vicerone Cashbacks Department Store, which the company's spokesperson and the department store branch manager, Bryan Valdez are working hard to keep them distracted by responding and answering their questions themselves to cover for Richard, who is now making rounds on the news in the wake of the security draft leak that provoked widespread concerns and outrage to the wider public. 

After brisking their way through an alley, they arrive at a convoy, which consists of two black Sedans and one Ford Expedition, which was large enough to carry a lot of people. The three were sent to the large SUV while the other guards also hopped in the SUV as well as the front and rear Sedan.

"Okay, now take us to Park Slope, and quietly please..." said Nate who sat on the front passenger seat of the SUV. The driver, who knows Nate, nodded: "Right away sir..." He then radioed to the other drivers at the Sedans and soon, the three-car convoy slowly drove off onto the side streets, avoiding detection by the press before entering the thoroughfare, passing by the One World Trade Center as they head towards Richard's house in Park Slope, where Enterprise and Laffey are.

"Thank you for bringing these guys here Nate..." said Richard. Nate spoke happily: "Good thing I used to be a naval aviator... I know of a friend who still runs private security..."

"Yep," the driver nodded. "Any friend of Nate's a good friend of mine, it's the least we could do..."

"Are you sure we have to ride on this convoy and leaving the store like this?" asked Helena worriedly. Richard sighed. "I understand your concerns, but it's Mr. Valdez's orders... The store's gotten more attention since my address to the public... We'll need to lay low at my place until things settle down, at least that's what I suggested to have you guys stay at my place when he told me that..."

He then said regretfully: "Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut and said nothing for a day or two..."

"No, it's not your fault," said Nate. "All you did was to tell them the truth. Transparency is what our company's focusing on..."

As Richard took a sigh of relief, Helena cried upon the realization of the situation: "What about Sebastian Jones? They're going to look for him!" 

The driver, whose name is Rick, said: "Not to worry, my lady. We've sent out a small team to pick him up, I was told that he's already on their way to Richard's house right now..."

"Thank you, Rick... for helping us out on this... I appreciate that..." said Nate who is relieved to hear of the news from Sebastian. The driver nodded: "Anytime pal..."

As the convoy crosses the Brooklyn Bridge over the East River, Richard can hear a ring, startling everyone inside. He then feels the vibration from his right pocket. Pulling out his cellphone, he saw his home number ringing. Though he guessed that it had to be Enterprise who was calling, he was initially hesitant to answer the phone with everyone around him. But as he wants to make sure they are safe, he checks his security system from his phone to watch the security cameras from there and he saw that it was indeed Enterprise holding the telephone waiting for him to respond. Afterwards, he eventually answers her call.

"H-hello? It's Richard..." he first spoke.

"Mr. Ambrose!" she cried. "You're not gonna believe this, me and Laffey saw you on TV, you were making a speech and there are people, umm... what the news media call them civil rights activists demonstrating on the streets, is everything okay?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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