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'Entry 0.1;

My name is Zelda Morningstar, the second daughter of Lucifer and Lilith who are the rulers of Hell. I have a sister who is a year older than me, her name is Charlotte but she goes by Charlie. We're the princesses of Hell, and since I'm only a year younger than my sister... She's protective of me, but then again, our Dad is worst. Our parents divorced, our Dad only speaks to us if he's bored and we haven't seen her mother in years. Charlie has created a hotel to help redeem sinners, I think it's silly. I'm surprised her girlfriend Vaggie went along with it'.

No one's p.o.v:



"It's time for dinner!" Charlie told her. Zelda hid her diary and went downstairs to see her sister, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Niffty and the radio demon Alastor waiting for her. She sat at the table and leaned on her wrist, "so... How was your day Zel?" Angel asked, using Zelda's nickname, after they were handed their food.

"The usual, going online, looking out the window and watch sinners getting exterminated, listening to music, and not being able to leave this hotel because of my older sister who is protective" Zelda replied with a bored expression on her face while staring at Charlie.

Charlie sighed, "I'm just trying to protect you like our Dad told me to" She said. "Well Dad's not here so you're not in charge of me" Zelda told her before having some of her food.

'This behaviour reminds me of two people' Alastor thought while staring at the princesses.

Meanwhile, the Carmine family were in Carmilla's office. Well all except Carmilla's only son and Odette and Clara's older brother, Carlos Carmine. Carmilla and Carlos got into an argument, it's not the first time that's happened. "What was the argument about this time?" Clara asked.

Carmilla sighed, "it's the same argument we had last week about the suitors" she replied. "Mother, maybe you should stop with the suitors. Carlos is never going to agree with it" Odette said.

Unknowing to them, Carlos was outside the office listening to the whole thing. 'I wouldn't act like this if you would just let me live my life and not just go out to sell your weapons that people ordered' he thought before going to his room, slamming the door behind him that even his mother and sisters heard it.

'Entry 0.1;

My name is Carlos Carmine. This is a new diary I got thanks to Rosie, a woman I consider as an aunt. I got into another argument with my mother, it got so bad we ended up arguing in Spanish while my sisters were out selling weapons our mother made. Since I'm the only male person in the family, my mother is trying to get me a wife so that our families would be allies. We already have Zestial, who is the oldest Overlord in Hell and probably has romantic feelings for my Mom. Rosie told me that there is gonna be a party near Cannibal Town and that everyone's invited. While my mother and sisters are asleep I'll be going'.

Carlos's p.o.v:

My mother and sisters have gone to sleep, time to sneak out. I can't go through the front door since they'll hear me and wake up, so I am doing what most people would do in a story. Climb out the window.

After I did, I put my hood up so no one would see me and began walking to Cannibal Town. Everything went back to normal after the extermination ended, it was as if it never happened in the first place... And that's worrying for me.


I turn, put my hood down and smiled "aunt Rosie" I say before walking over and hugging her. "How have you been?" She asked, "got into another argument with my mother" I replied after we pulled away.

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