Radio Killed The Video Star Part 2

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No one's p.o.v:

The Vees were now in the meeting room, "we have a problem Alastor is getting close to Little Princess Morningstar so our main concern now is ensuring that no deal is ever struck between Lucifer's brat and that smiling freak" Vox explained slamming his fist on the table.

"Which daughter are you talking about, the one who owns the Hotel or Zelda the one you and Valentino tried to ask Lucifer for her hand in marriage at one point?" Velvette asked. "The one who owns the Hotel and didn't send you the outfit" Vox replied 'did she have to bring that up?' Vox thought.

"Well, how exactly are we supposed to stop it?" Velvette asked. "Put something inside them, that's how I get the bitches to behave" Valentino suggested while decorating his gun.

"Well, maybe someone on the inside isn't such a bad idea. Do you think Angel would?" Vox asked before having a drink. Valentino scoffed, "that lanky prink won't even return my calls. Plus it seems he's already friends with Zelda" he replied.

Vox sighed, "we need someone who Little Miss Bleeding Heart would take in" he said trying to think of someone. 'It can't be Angel, as Val said, he lives at the Hotel and seems to be friends with Lucifer's youngest daughter. It can't be Carlos, as Velvette would throw a temper tantrum for using her best designer' Vox thought.

"Someone pathetic, desperate, with no direct ties to us" Velvette suggested. "I employ every down on their luck loser this side of Hell. Who the fuck is left?" Valentino asked.

Vox grinned evilly, "I think I have just the one" he replied.

Zelda's p.o.v:

'Entry 0.4,

Nothing much has happened, except for the fact that extermination day has been moved up. Carlos and I sent something to one of the Vees, Velvette, it was a dress I had designed. Recently though, some Snake Demon that went by the name Sir Pentious tried to destroy the Hotel to defeat Alastor to please the Vees.

Of course he failed at that and he ended up getting beaten up by Alastor, which I gladly took a picture off and sent it to Angel. I honestly don't buy this Hotel crap anymore, Charlie and her girlfriend who practically hates everyone should honestly take a break. Mostly Charlie'.

Charlie along with Vaggie then walked back into the Hotel, Charlie flopped onto the nearby couch "so? How'd it go?" Angel asked looking up from his phone. "Not a single new recruit" Vaggie replied.

"Called it!" I say making Angel chuckle while Vaggie glared at me. "Yeah. Well, who would want to use their last days not fucking and fighting?" Angel asked before we heard a knock on the door. Vaggie walked over to answer it

"Why, hello, my dear--"

Angel and I looked at each other when we heard that familiar voice before walking over to where my sister had joined them, I managed to see the look on Vaggie's face. For once her and I had the same feeling.

"Welcome to our home of healing. Our resort of restoration. Our--" Angel cut my sister off, who was holding Sir Pentious' hand "are you fucking nuts?" He asks her.

"This chump was trying to kill us, like, literally six hours ago. And now you want to bring him in here to live with us?" He asks while I glared at the snake demon.

She walked over to us "absolutely! This place is about second chances and who deserves one more than this... Slithery... Slippery... Special little man" she says.

"Aren't you supposed to protect this place?" Angel asked Vaggie, "god damn it" I mutter as Charlie does puppy eyes at Vaggie who ends up falling them up "I... Guess he's not much of a threat without the war machine or even with the war machine" Vaggie says.

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