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I was sitting in my room, just scrolling on my phone, when i heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I said and the door opened. It was Max. He looked as gorgeous as ever. He was wearing a simple black t shirt with some white skinny jeans, but it was enough to make him even prettier.

"Hi Dan! We're going drinking to a bar nearby, do you wanna join us?" Max asked as he stood in the door. I don't go out much often, because ehh I don't know. It's just not for me. But whenever Max asks me to join, i always do. I could never not go somewhere where Max asks me to go.

"Yeah sure! Give me a second I have to dress up." I said and Max just nodded and sat down on my bed, while watching me change. It's kind of weird that it never bothered him to watch me change clothes. Or maybe this isn't even weird, it's just me thinking it's weird. He's pretty comfortable around me, which I'm really happy for, because i like him. I've liked him since the day we met, but i never dared to tell him. We're too good friends for that. I would never want to ruin it.
I put on a white t-shirt and some jeans, and put on perfume. "Okay, I'm ready! We can go." I said, and Max stood up from my bed.

"You look good!" Max said smiling, which made me blush a little, but luckily not noticeably. "Let's go, Charles and Lando are waiting for us!" Max said. Charles was Max's best friend, and Lando was my best friend. We've been friends with Lando since kindergarten. We even went to the same schools together. He's a big ball of sunshine and whenever i feel down he can make me feel better easily. And of course he knows about me liking Max. He once almost told him. I thought i was gonna kill him at that moment! And it's kind of weird that Charles is coming, because he hates going out even more than I do, but i guess Max put a magic spell on him or whatever.

"Wait what? Charles is coming? How did you do that?" I asked, chuckling a little.

"Oh Dan, it was so hard! And now i literally have to pay for his lunch every time he eats, because he wouldn't come otherwise!" Max said laughing as we left the room, and went out to Lando's car. They were already sitting inside and talking about something.

"Hey guys! About time!" Lando said as i sat in the back seat with Max because Charles took the front seat and Lando was driving.

"Oh shut up it wasn't that long!" I said, and Max just chuckled.

"Okay, can we go now? I want to go home as fast as possible!" Charles said and we started going.

A few minutes later we arrived at the bar. We got out of the car and went in. Charles immediately ordered some drinks for himself, and i was thinking about what I should get. Lando had already ordered some for himself and had already drank some of it.

"Can't decide what to choose?" Max asked as he moved a bit closer to me.

"Yeah, well I don't really drink much so I don't know what to order." I said awkwardly, knowing that this is a lie. I was an alcoholic for two years, and now I'm recovering for about half a year now. But only Lando knows this, so he knows that this wasn't that good of an idea.

"You should get a Margarita. It's pretty good." He said, and he ordered one for me before i could say anything. The bartender gave it to me and i drank it. It was really good I'm not gonna lie, but i think i will have to stop after two drinks because after three, i just cannot stop. When i drank it, Max ordered me another one. I drank that too. Max was about to order me another one, but i resisted.

"Max, uhm i think this is enough for tonight." I said and he just snorted.

"Daniel. You finally came out of your room to go out! Have a little fun!" He said as he ordered me another one, and put it in front of me. I was just looking at it for a while, then drank it. I mean fuck it. It's just this night then I'll continue trying not to drink again. After this drink i ordered them for myself. And i ordered a lot. And drank a lot. The last thing i knew was that i was in Max's room laying on his bed. I was trying to get up, but everything was a blur, and i couldn't think clearly. Then a few moments later i saw Max come in the room and search for something in his closet. Then he came over to me with a pack of clothes in his hands.

"C'mon Daniel! Don't move!" He said as he tried to put the clothes on me. He started pulling down my clothes, which i found really funny, probably because i was drunk.

"Ooh Maxy, I didn't know we were this close." I said in a teasing tone while smirking, and he just shook his head. I just laughed at his reaction. He pulled all of my clothes off and dressed me into his clothes as pajamas. Then he layed down next to me his back facing me.
After a few seconds, i just started talking.

"You know Maxy, i love you so god damn much." I said quietly. God damnit why did i say this? Why did i just confess? Oh my god what if he hates me now?!

"Yeah man, i love you too but please go to sleep now, it's 2 am. And we have a morning workout tomorrow morning. So please sleep now." Max said. Oh. So he thinks i mean it as a friend? I mean it's better that he thinks that. It may ruin our friendship. I would never recover from that.

"Okay. Goodnight Maxy." I said and turned to my other side, my back now facing Max's back.

"Goodnight Dan" he said and we drifted off to sleep.

Hopeless Heart // MAXIELWhere stories live. Discover now