📑 .. organisation !

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requested by: @DuchessofSwitzerland

use a binder

file all your worksheets and papers into
binders use dividers in your binders to seperate them. this way, your worksheets
won't be all over the place and
you can easily find them when you
need them for revision. 

note: if your using a file ( like me ) to
carry your worksheets to school, make sure
to clear them out every now
and then so you don't end up
with a thick af file thats
really heavy to carry.

have a to-do list

i use a website/app called 'tweek' to
organise my week and take
down important dates. i also type down
homework and assignments there.
you don't need to use an app.
you can even just keep a notebook
in which you plan out your day/week
and write down important
tasks and their deadlines.
this will help to organise your time better.

different notebooks 

keep different notebooks for different subjects.
this might seem straightforward
but i've seen many people write
every subject's notes into one
notebook. while this may seem like its money-saving since you don't
have to buy so many notebooks,
in hindsight everything will be
crammed into one book and
it would be really messy.
having different notebooks
for different subjects and
purposes ensures that there
are no clashes and the
seperation helps keep things neat.

develop a good routine

developing a good rountine means
you have to develop good habits
and then incorporate them into
said routine. this could be
something like getting at least 8
hours of sleep. this would help
make sure that you leave
minimal room for procrastination
and distraction

plan ahead

this ties in with the tip on having
a to-do list. we all know life does
not go according to plan so plan
your time early. set aside time
to map out your week so that you
can be prepared. this way
you know whats coming
and what you have to do.
this also ensures that you
won't be stuck doing things
last minute. you should
also overestimate how much time a task
will take you. this way, you
can ensure that
there is sufficient time to complete it

find balance

it is key to make sure that you
do not get burnt out. avoid
over-exerting yourself on work and studies.
find time to take breaks
and have a laugh. try doing exercises
for their mood-boosting effects.
try meditation or journaling.
make sure to unwind after a stressful day.
ensure you're getting enough sleep too.
after all, sleep is extremely
important and related to
cancer so make sure to
prioritize it and avoid all-nighters.
if you plan your time well for your
revision, you will never need
to pull an all-nighter. 

prioritize appropriately

some tasks are more important
than others. for example,
i have a science project due next friday and an english essay due next monday.
since the english essay is due earlier than the science project,
i should focus on it first and complete it. priotisation isn't just about
how fast you need to get it done, it is about importance too.
lets say my fish are sick ( which they are rn T-T )
and i need to
buy them medicine. but i also need
to clean my room.
which comes first?
obviously the getting the medicine. 

little by little

everyday you can just a little time,
maybe even as little as 5 to 10 minutes
to declutter your physical and mental space. maybe try doing some
yoga or whatever gives you a
peace of mind. take some time
to clean your room and
organise your things.
a little goes a long way, right? 

measure your progress

now even the tips i'm currently sharing
with you here might not
work for you. it is important to
find out what does and what does not.
this ensures that you do not
waste your precious time
doing things that do not help
you in any way. you can also
allocate more time for
the things that are
helping you reach your goals. make sure to measure all your progess, big or small.

one tip would be to have weekly checks. every weekend, think about
what went wrong and
what went right- and the cause for both.
keep whats good and throw out whats not. 

have goals. ( make sure to set realistic ones, i
f you want, i can do a chapter on that too ! ) having goals will help you with
the tips i gave earlier.
are these methods helping you
get closer to your goals? 

keep your eyes on the prize

focus on whats important
and revise your goals when neccesary.

learn to manage your time 

( i already have a chapter on that
so i will not be going into detail ).
managing your time
well helps your finish your tasks
within the deadline and
make space for whats important.

consistency over perfection

keep in mind that you don't
have to be perfect at all this.
it is more important to be
consistent with the tips
than to acheive perfection
with them. even i struggle a
bit with organisation
and thats okay. just try your best ! 

since the person who requested for this chapter only said something vague, this is all i can think of. if you need anything more specific, please let me know and i'll make a chapter of it 

little droplets of water can
create huge storms. take it slow
and don't stress yourself out too much !

that's all for now,
byee !!


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