15 - Neo!!!

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" She went in." Neo muttered as he stared at the security footage of the camera. " Penelope went in." Neo said.

" Why is she so stubborn?" Theo asked as Wade dialled Penelope's number as her phone rang in the car.

" Someone needs to stop her." Neo muttered. " Is she picking?" Theo asked as Wade shook his head. Wade stood up as he left with Theo.

Penelope who entered the warehouse noticed it was dark and empty. There was no sign of Lydia. Penelope kept walking further in to see if she'll find anyone around.

Lydia who had hid behind a bunch of barrels kept watching Penelope. " Darn bitch." Lydia muttered. " I know you're here Lydia, you can't scare or fool me." Penelope said as she walked further into the darkness.

Before Penelope knew it, two men had come up behind her and had her inhale some substance in a rag causing her to pass out. Lydia came out of her hiding spot as she stared at Penelope with a smirk.

" Penelope Martin, nor Wade or Neo will find you where I'm gonna send you to. You'll be far far away. And when you do come back again, none of them will want you, Martin." Lydia said as she clicked her tongue.

" Now go. Make sure she's out of the country by today, sell her to those merchants that sell girls to Africa. Poor Penelope, she's gonna see what she never thought she'll see. Well that's for messing with me." Lydia said as she watched the men take her out the back.

Penelope's chauffeur watched Lydia step out of the warehouse as she left but there was no sign of his madam.

He immediately stepped down from his car as he hurried into the warehouse in search of Penelope.

Wade's car pulls over right at the warehouse as Wade and Theo alights the car and go in search of Penelope. " Penelope!" Both Wade and Theo yelled.

" Where's Penny?" Wade asked the chauffeur who was scared. " I told madam not to go inside but she insisted on following Miss Lydia." The chauffeur said as Wade looked around the warehouse.

" You go." Theo said to the chauffeur who hurriedly left. He didn't want to die by the eyes of those men. Theo's phone started ringing as he stared at the caller's ID and saw it was Neo.

Both Theo and Wade go out the back as Theo answers the call. " Neo, what is it?" Theo asked. " Did you guys see Penelope?" Neo asked. " No, we're looking for her." Theo said.

" That darn Lydia! Send me Lydia's address. I'll try tracking Penelope." Neo said as Theo hummed and ended the call. He sent Neo Lydia's address.

" A car was here." Wade said. " Car?" Theo asked. " Lydia hired people to kidnap Penelope." Wade said as Theo stared around.

" But where are they taking her?" Theo asked. " We won't get our answer if we just stay here, we need to go looking for Penelope." Wade said as they went back to their car.

Neo drove to Lydia's house as he saw Lydia's car right outside her house. He barged into the house as he went upstairs in search of Lydia's bedroom.

Entering Lydia's bedroom, he saw Lydia at the balcony staring at the city.

" You." Neo muttered as he approached Lydia and almost pushed her off the balcony but Lydia screamed and held the balcony firmly.

" Neo." She muttered as she stared at Neo. " What did you expect when you kidnapped Penelope?" Neo asked.

" Nothing, I didn't expect anything." Lydia replied as Neo dragged her back into her room.

" It's easy to deal with horrible girls like you." Neo said as Lydia just stared at him scared.

Lydia watched Neo leave her room, and when he came back he had a chair and some ropes.

He placed the chair on the carpet and stared at Lydia who was just staring at him. " Sit." Neo commander as Lydia slightly shook her head.

" Did you just say no to me?" He asked as Lydia shook her head again. " Then sit." He said as Lydia slowly approached the chair. She sat as she watched Neo tie her on the chair.

" You'll die in your home and haunt your dead body." Neo said as Lydia's eyes grew wide when she saw the knife he held. It wasn't as small as the ones he used to throw at her, instead it was bigger.

Lydia swallowed. " Neo, I can explain." She said. " Oh there's a lot of explanations for you to do baby girl. I have all day long." Neo said as Lydia swallowed harder.

She knew Neo wouldn't think twice before peeling her skin. " Now tell me, where are they taking Penelope?" Neo asked as Lydia shook her head.

" You won't tell me where?" Neo asked as Lydia shook her head. She watched him tape her mouth as he smiled at her. He locked her bedroom door and shut all the windows and balcony door.

Neo approached her as he squatted to her level. " Then, I think I'll have to get it out myself." He said as he placed the knife on Lydia's cheek.

Lydia just stared at the knife as she stared at Neo who looked like the devil himself. And as expected, Neo drew a sharp line on her cheek with the knife.

Lydia screamed in pain. She cried as she continuously shook her head. She watched Neo place the knife on her arm and slit it down to her elbow.

Causing her to yell in pain. Neo did another slit down to her wrist as Lydia watched her blood drop on the carpet.

Neo stared at her legs. Before Lydia knew it, Neo had already stabbed her thigh causing her to scream in pain.

Her tears removed the tape from her mouth as she continued crying. " I'm sorry." Lydia apologised. " Ready to talk?" Neo asked as Lydia nodded.

" Where is Penelope?" Neo asked as Lydia sniffed. " S- s- she was kidnapped, they're selling her to some merchants outside America. They are taking her to Africa." Lydia said as Neo stared at her in bewilderment.

" Africa?" Neo asked as Lydia slightly nodded. " Where are the guys who kidnapped Penny?" Neo asked.

" I have no idea Neo.. I don't.. I'm not involved in any other thing, I promise I have no idea." Lydia cried as Neo sighs as he stood up.

" Neo.." Lydia muttered as she watched Neo go. " Neo please don't leave me here! Neo!!! Neo come back!" Lydia yelled in tears. " Neo!!"

Wow... so so amazing right? I really need your feedbacks and votes... comment on each chapters what you think might happen in the next and I'll happily answer you...

- Hearts

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