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By the time Penelope reached home, Gerald wasn't in the living room. She went upstairs to his bedroom as she knocked on the door before coming in.

" Penelope. You didn't tell me before you left." Gerald said. " I'm sorry grandpa. I didn't want to have you getting worried. And besides. I'm back. And I'm not gonna miss dinner today." Penelope said as Gerald smiled.

" Grandpa? Can I ask you a teeny weeny favour?" Penelope asked as she sat on his bed. " What is it?" Gerald asked.

" Grandpa, Wade has a very important meeting and I... he wants me to go escort him there and help him get the project. And if I don't go, he's gonna be really mad at me." Penelope said as she stared at Gerald with a sad eye.

" No. It wouldn't be nice if Wade is mad at you." Gerald said as Penelope smiled.

" I know grandpa. Even I'm not gonna like it if he is. So, I agreed to go with him , and now he believes I will, if I turn down his offer, I don't know what might happen." Penelope said.

" Where is it?" Gerald asked. " Las Vegas." Penelope said. " It's not far from LA." Penelope said as Gerald slightly nodded as Penelope smiled.

Penelope stood up in excitement. " We're gonna be there in three days, goodbye.." Penelope said as she hurried out of his room.

" Three days? That's way too long Penny." Gerald said but Penelope was long gone.
" As long as nothings going on between you two." Gerald said.

The next day. Penelope woke up early as she had her bath and got dressed in a nice outfit for a flight. She stared at herself in the mirror and mwah.

Although she wasn't wearing any makeup, her face was still beautiful. Like Gerald used to say, she was like a carbon copy of her late mom, Lisa.

Penelope smiled. If her mom was here then she would have told her all about Wade, and how perfect he was.

She sighs. There was a million things she had planned to do with Lisa. Only if those dreams could come true. Penelope turned to look at her bed where she stared at her phone.

Should she carry clothes or what? She had no idea. She agreed to go with Wade like he was going to some fair. She approached her bed.

Well they were only staying for three days. Only this dress was okay. But she needed to carry a bra and some panties. She sighs as she approached her wardrobe.

An half an hour later, Penelope heard the honk of a car. She peeked out her bedroom window and saw Wade outside as he stared at her through the window.

Penelope's cheeks went red and she immediately closed the curtain. Why was he always looking handsome?

Penelope sighs as she rushed to her wardrobe and started packing her bra and panties in a bag. She put in a T-shirt as she zipped the handbag close and walked out of her bedroom.

" Penelope, Wade is here." Gerald said as he watched Penelope walk down the stairs. " How do I look grandpa?" Penelope asked with a smile.

" Is that a question? You always look great." Gerald replied with a smile as Penelope smiled back and went out of the house. " Be safe!" Gerald said.

Wade watched Penelope walk down the two steps of her home and she looked entirely gorgeous.

She had her light brown hair made in brushed out waves, and her smile
was just perfect. Immediately she reached him, her beautiful rose-like scent once again filled the air.

He smiled at her as he opened the front passenger's door for her to get in. He watched her get in as he went around and got in too.

Wade started driving as Penelope stared out the window. She was smiling outside because she was burning with excitement inside.

She turned to stare at Wade. Just her and him, with no one to disturb them. No one to get in their conversation. No one to stop their conversation.

Penelope smiled as she looked away from Wade as Wade turned to look at her. She was beautiful. And he always liked it when she behaves dumb when he says something.

She's cute. Just as Penelope turned to look at Wade, Wade immediately looked away. Arriving at the jet, they got in and they were off to Las Vegas.

It wasn't long before they reached Las Vegas. It took only an hour. After reaching Las Vegas, they got into an SUV.

The chauffeur was driving. No doubts Las Vegas was a beautiful city. All the cities were beautiful. Penelope sighs as the chauffeur pulled over by a huge building.

" Mall?" Penelope asked as Wade nodded as he alighted the car. " Why mall?" Penelope asked. " You need a dress for tomorrow's party." Wade said as Penelope hummed.

She didn't even think about that. She was excited about spending three days with Wade that she forgot she would wear something.

She sighs. If she had brought a dress along then they wouldn't be here. " Let's go." Wade said as Penelope nodded as they went into the mall.

Arriving at a Female Accessories Shop. Wade walked in and Penelope nearly gasped due to the beauty of this part of the mall. If was called Megan's Fashion World and it was worth it's name.

A woman approached them and she seemed like she was the shop owner. " Mr Veláquez." The woman said with a smile. She looked in her thirties.

Wade smiled at her as he turned to stare at Penelope. " We need a nice black dress for a business party. Dark and perfect." Wade said as the woman nodded.

She took Penelope to go look for the right dress. " Susanne, she needs a very dark dress for a business party. You get the dress, and I'll get the shoes." The woman said to the shop assistant who nodded and smiled at Penelope.

She looked in her early twenties. Susanne watched her madam leave as she turned to face Penelope.

" Beautiful, now cmon let's get you the dress." Susanne said as she started walking with Penelope.

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