Chapter 8

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Living stripes writhed along Night of Doom's pelt, yes. I'm serious. Living stripes. You could never tell what he would look like. He could be anything from a vampire bat or a tiger. Anything he found particularly evil. I guess he'd chosen a tiger today. He opened his mouth and roared, showing off his brilliant, bright, yellow teeth. A few were rotting in the back of his mouth and you could imagine little pink worms having a party in his teeth, poking in and out of them. His tail lashed wildly and thrashed against a tree sapling.
That tree was no longer alive.
Most of it lay on the ground. The bit of trunk that was still anchored to the ground was splintered and singed.
Did this evil little kitty have a fire problem?

That was when I realized his blood-red eyes had been staring at me the whole time.
He opened his mouth and he growled. And not just any normal cats growl. A big cats growl. Although I guess that was normal since he was basically the "creature of evil," and I knew myself, anything less from that beast would've been quite a disappointment, assuming who he was.

"Come to my side." He rumbled.

"Why should I? All I've heard is bad things about you." I asked, slightly enjoying myself.

"Crafty kitty."


"I'm not the creature of evil. I'm your friend!"

I snorted. "And why exactly should I believe you? You're the creature of evil."


"Obviously not. I haven't listened to yours, have I?"

"Enough with your smart moves."

I thought of a great plan in my mind. I would run towards him and he'd become confused. I'd make a run for it and get away.

I was in luck. I yowled at a brown blur in the bush hurtling by.

"Hey! Night of Doom! Look over there!"

While he was off staring at some odd giant rat thing, I ran.

My legs were shaky from the fall into the water, and my lungs were right as well.
Luckily, Night of Doom wasn't very bright.
He didn't even notice I was running away until I was five tree-lengths ahead of him.
I think instead of Night of Doom, I'm going to call him Night of Dumb.
Yah, that would do. A silly name for a silly creature.

As soon as he realised what was happening a dumbfounded look came across his face and it looked like he was thinking something like this: 'How dare a little kitty try to escape me? I'm stronger then anyone,' although I don't think he was right in his mind, because he didn't start chasing after me.

Instead he opened his mouth in a dumb sly smile and purred.
"See you later!"
And he walked in the opposite direction of me...

I wasn't exactly having the best of luck, so I knew this was to good to be true.
My enemy walking away from me? It had to be a trick.
I was only a few more tree-lengths away from where he had been, when the ugly rat thing attacked me.
How many enemies did I need?
Seriously, you'd think one enemy was enough but you were wrong.
Apparently I needed every creature in the forest turned against me.
The only cat who'd actually helped me had been Rush, and even he hadn't helped much when it came to evil, snake cats.
I mean, fighting big, muscly snake cats is pretty easy isn't it? I'm sure Rush could've helped...
Well maybe not.
Seeing as I had barely escaped with my pelt in one piece, I don't know how Rush could've managed it.

As I was saying, a big brown rat attacked me from out of the bush just as I was thinking I had got away from all enemies.

"Who are you?" It squeaked.

"Why does it matter to a single hair on your ugly pelt?" I hissed.

"This is my territory. If you have a good reason for being here, I may let you away with your limbs attached to your body, still."

"Well, I was kinda dropped by a bat into a stream and then you know... Night of Dumb came out of nowhere and decided to almost kill me, although I'm sure you already know that. I saw you moving in the bush."

"Night of Dumb...?"

"Yes, my new name for him. He isn't very bright."

"Well, ok. You can go. The edge of the territory is a river farther along the path your going. You might want to get out of here, fast. There are more rats here, many of which wouldn't hesitate to rip your throat out."

"Thank you." I bowed to the rat.

I left the rat behind after solemnly pledging that if I saw any other rats I wouldn't mention that I had seen him.
Apparently they'd be really mad if they figured out he had let me escape without punishment.
I ran very fast.
After all, I didn't want to be caught yet again, by a new enemy. I think I could settle without being caught.

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