Chapter 18 - Rouge X Blanc II

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Issei: Hey everyone, thanks for coming at such short notice.

Sona: No problem, what's going on?

Issei: Well I met someone extremely important today.

Rias: Who is it?

Issei: The White Dragon Empress

All: HUH!!!!!!!!?????????


Sona: When did this happen and how? Weren't you in your family's Territory just now?

Rias: And of all people for it to be the White Dragon Empress.

Ise: Calm down everyone, yeah I was at Lucifuge Territory, after Uncle Zechs, Falbium and Aunt Grayfia left I flew around the Territory where I saw her under attack and they were either looking to kill her or kidnap her, so I took action.

Rias: So where is she now?

Ise: She's here in Kuoh, at home, Mom and Asia are taking care of her. But its something else she told me about which is worrisome.

Tsubaki: And what would that be?

Sona: I am interested in what she had to say.

Ise: She told me that she was being tracked by a terror group called the Khaos Brigade, a conglomeration of differing factions.

Akeno: Did she tell you which factions are there?

Ise: Yeah, she said it was the Old Satan Faction, Rogue Fallen Angels most likely away from Grigori and led by a Cadre and something called the Hero Faction.

The other Devils winced hearing the Old Satan Faction.

Rias: This is something the Maous need to hear, if the Old Satan Faction is involved, they are the ones that were replaced by Sirzechs, Serafall and the others in the Civil War as the new Devil Kings.

Ise: You'll have to contact them, I need to see if I can find out anything else from Valiana.

Sona: Valiana, that's her name?

Ise: Yeah, and she's a Lucifer, I'm guessing she's a Hybrid cause there's no chance that she'd be working with them willingly.

Rias: Seriously? A Lucifer?! I don't know you just seem to find trouble wherever you go somehow.

Ise: I don't know about that, but then I'll be off, tell me when you hear anything back from the Maous.

Sona: Will do.

Ise leaves the Clubhouse and heads back to his parents house, Sona and Rias have a discussion with one another.

Rias: If the Old Satan Faction is involved, then things just got a whole lot more complicated.

Sona: You're right about that, they even rejected the Evil Piece System, looking down on Reincarnated Devils as well when it saved our race.

Tsubaki: If the White Dragon is a Lucifer, that means she is related to him..

Akeno: Rizevim Lucifer, the first known Super Devil.

Sona: Right now we know that she's a Lucifer, anything else is up in the air till we hear more.

SC - Hyoudou Home

Issei had left the others to check on Vali ,he wanted to know more when it came to the Khaos Brigade and the only way was to find out from his rival .

Ise: So Vali, do you know why they were hunting you?

Vali: It's because of my grandfather, Rizevim Lucifer, he hated the fact that I'm a Hybrid so much so that he killed my mom and got my father to abuse me.

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