He's Here

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I flipped the camera over to show everyone the baby. "No way!! Josie, congratulations, honey!" Kat exclaimed, I smiled, "Thank you, Kat." I responded, "I'm so proud of you, Jo. Do you guys have a name picked out?" Liv asked, taking her turn to speak before anyone else could. "Yes, we're going to name him Escher Matis," I responded, everyone loved the name. "Escher, you and I are gonna have a lot of shooting practice, when you're older lil dude."  Fin stated, "Fin, don't start talking like that, at least not until he's at least fifteen." I replied, "Okay, fine... Esch, my man, let's just make a point not to tell Miss over-protective Mama over here. I'll teach you all the ins and outs of Glocks, pistols, rifles, anything you wanna learn, I'll teach you." He pretended to whisper into the speaker, I slapped my hand on my chest in mock offense. "Escher, I'm gonna have to catch you up on all the dirt I have on your motha my guy, 'cause boy does she have a lot of history. I'm not even sure how she got into the police force with that record she has." Sonny chuckled, "Sonny, not around the husband, please. He doesn't need to know about all the felony charges I have, you can tell Escher in secret, cause he can't even babble yet, just not around Luc, please." I cried, turning to my husband with fake concern lacing my facial expression. "Escher, I'm beginning to think that your uncles may be a bad influence on you, hun. Let's try to stay away from Uncle Sonny, and Fin, got it?" I asked, rubbing noses with the little guy, who was fast asleep in his daddy's arms.

"Your aunties on the other hand, you can hang out with them all day, no problem," Kat spoke up. I smiled, and nodded, "I'll keep him away from the boys, I promise." Mom responded I smiled "Thanks, Mom." I replied, "Amanda, how's it feel to be a grandma?" Kat asked, teasingly. A few weeks later, we took Escher to the squad room, to meet his aunts, and uncles for the first time. He had been sleeping so well throughout the nights, that I had to wake him up to feed him, and check on him periodically to ensure he was still breathing. "Hey guys! You're favorite colleague is back!" I exclaimed as Luc, the baby and I all walked in. Everyone cheered and walked up to us. "Hey Joey, how are you three doing, how's life as a family of three going, are you settling in?" Kat asked, kissing me on the cheek, and hugging me. I returned the kiss, and hug. "Life's great! I miss being back here though, remind me. What was your name again? It's been so long I think my memory has gone bad." I joked, "It's Bertha, remember?" Kat responded, playing into my joke. "Oh yeah! That's what it was, thank you for the reminder, Bertha!" I replied, and we both laughed. "Devereaux, I need to see the baby!" Someone exclaimed, from the back of the room.  I recognized that voice anywhere, "Hey captain! Here you go. Meet Escher Matis Devereaux." I stated as I handed her the baby. "My goodness, he's beautiful! He looks so much like you, Josie!" She exclaimed, as she took Escher into her arms, and examined him while he slept comfortably. "Thank you, Liv. I think he looks like a mic between Luca and me." I responded, Liv smiled back. "How did the birth go?" Grace asked, "It went smoothly, I was only in labor for about 9 ish hours and pushed for about 20, so he was out in about 9 1/2 hours, no complications at all which I was grateful for." I replied, and she smiled, "That's great! Surprising for your first kid, but that's great!" Muncy replied, "Thanks, Muncy. Yeah, I was shocked as well, I looked it up, and first-time mothers usually labor for anywhere between 12 and 19 hours, so I was super grateful for that." I responded, Grace smiled. "Yeah, that is pretty awesome!" she replied, I smiled, and nodded. "how is sleep going for you?" The captain asked, I chuckled a bit. "It's going ok, not the greatest, but that's expected with an infant in the house. He wakes up when he's hungry, and other than that, Luca's good with waking up to change his diaper, he's been taking the diaper duty for me." I responded, turning to him, and smiling. "That's great that you take that load off of her, Luca. And yeah, nights with babies are no fun, but it'll get better, once you are able to adjust to the new schedule with him." Liv responded. 

The next day

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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