Chapter Thirteen

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As I changed back into the deep blues and sea greens of House Velaryon, I felt a comforting familiarity settle over me, a stark contrast to the unfamiliar green garb I wore earlier at Queen Alicent's behest. The colors of my house felt like a shield, emboldening me as I prepared to face a daunting encounter. The invitation to meet with Lord Otto Hightower and Queen Alicent was unexpected and filled me with a mix of anticipation and apprehension.

Walking through the echoing halls of the Red Keep, my thoughts raced. I pondered their reasons for summoning me. In these volatile times, every conversation, every meeting could alter the course of alliances. Was this a test of loyalty, or perhaps an attempt to draw House Velaryon more firmly into the Green's fold?

Ser Rickard, as always, was close at my side, his presence a reassuring constant in the swirling sea of court politics. His steady gaze and the slight nod he gave me as we approached the door to the small council chamber steadied my resolve.

The heavy doors swung open, and I stepped inside. Lord Otto sat at the head of the table, his expression unreadable. Queen Alicent stood by the window, her silhouette framed against the light. Her gaze upon me was intense, yet her voice was soft when she greeted me.

"Lyanna, thank you for joining us," she said, her tone warm but carrying an undercurrent of formality. "Please, have a seat."

I nodded, taking the offered chair, my posture straight yet relaxed, showing neither defiance nor subservience. "Lord Otto, Queen Alicent," I greeted them, allowing a polite smile to touch my lips. "To what do I owe the honor of this summons?"

Otto's eyes met mine, sharp and calculating. "Lyanna, these are uncertain times for the realm," he began, his voice smooth. "We value House Velaryon's loyalty and wish to ensure our mutual interests align in the days to come."

Queen Alicent interjected, her tone earnest. "We believe that our goals are not so different, Lyanna. Peace and prosperity for the realm, and security for our families."

I listened intently, my mind weighing their words, searching for the unsaid between the lines. "Indeed, our house has always sought the well-being of the realm," I responded carefully. "We are committed to peace and stability."

Otto nodded, seemingly pleased with my response, but his next words were loaded with deeper implications. "We must consider the future, and the roles we all will play. It's essential that we support the rightful leadership, don't you agree?"

The room felt suddenly smaller, the air thicker. I knew then that this meeting was more than just a courtesy call; it was a delicate dance around alliances and future claims.

I listened intently to Lord Otto and Queen Alicent, their words weaving a delicate web of intrigue and persuasion. As I gathered my thoughts, I reminded myself that the decision they sought from me was not mine to give. "While I appreciate your concerns and the trust you place in discussing such matters with me, the allegiance of House Velaryon is decided by my father, Lord Corlys. As you know, I am not his heir, and thus the direction our house takes is not mine to command."

Otto's face tightened slightly, the seasoned politician masking his disappointment with practiced ease. "A father who has made no contact in four years," he remarked sharply, his tone laced with a subtle challenge.

The remark stung, more than I expected it would. Yet, it was essential to maintain composure. "That may be," I acknowledged, "but his silence does not grant me authority over his decisions."

The room fell into a heavy silence for a moment before Otto continued, his voice smooth yet insistent. "Consider the future, Lyanna. Should Prince Aegon ascend the throne, the realm would need steadfast friends and loyal supporters."

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