Sailfish Nine

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Stretching beneath the blankets, Sailor sniffled a little, taking in the faint scent of Cassius's light cologne... but not much else. 

Why is my nose stuffy? 

"Hey there my sweet Sai, not feeling too good, huh?" 


"You've been asleep for over a day with a high fever so we got worried and called doctor Bosch over to check on your incision to make sure it's not infected," his brother explained, making Sailor calm down a little. 

"Thankfully, your foot is fine and you must have just caught a bug at the hospital." 

So I got sick. 

It made sense, especially since being stressed can contribute to illness sometimes. 

Oh yuck, I'm soaked in sweat. 

He also had to pee really badly. 

"Need help getting up? I was just about to get you changed if I couldn't wake you up first," Reed said as he pulled the blankets back at the same time they heard the door open. 

Sailor looked over with his half-open eyes, blinking at the blurry image that walked in. 

"He's still really out of it, but I got him to wake up," Reed told a clearly-panting Cassius. 

"Sai?" Cass questioned as he hurried over, the sound of his bag being unceremoniously dropped on the floor meeting Sailor's ears. 

Soon he felt a perfectly cool hand press against his forehead and slide up slightly, nudging itself just beneath his damp bangs, not even caring that he was covered in sweat. 

"Still really warm," Cassius said, his voice quiet and deep with a hint of frustration to it. 

Sailor tried to respond that he was feeling a bit better with Cass's cold hand on his forehead, but the only sound that came out of his mouth was an exhausted groan. 

 "Let's get one of the pills doctor Bosch prescribed in him while he's awake," Cassius said as he helped Sailor sit up, then, surprisingly, settled on the bed behind him and pulled him up into his lap. 

He would have complained about the awkward position, especially after they'd practically slept together the day before, but he found that he didn't even have the energy to speak, let alone support himself. 

"It's okay, you can lean against me. I know you're not feeling well," Cass said as he returned his hand to his forehead, earning a relieved sigh as Sailor saw his brother retrieve a pill bottle from his tiny nightstand. 

"I brought a few cold Gatorades and some salted crackers, fish crackers, and boiled rice," Cass said, making Sailor glance towards his discarded bag on the floor. 

His seal, which also felt quite terrible right along with him, stirred the slightest bit when it heard Cassius say fish crackers. 

Reed knew exactly what he was thinking after years together and quickly grabbed the little fish crackers, then a blue Gatorade before returning to the bed and ripping open the package of crackers. 

"Not the pill first?" Cass asked, likely questioning why his brother wasn't opening the Gatorade first. 

Reed glanced up at him for the briefest moment, then continued his work until he was able to free a tiny cracker and lift it up to Sailor's lips. 

"He doesn't handle pills well. It's better to just give him a bit of food to mix the pill into," he said simply as he waited for Sailor to manage chewing, then reached over to slide the little pill between his lips. 

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